Chapter Fourteen

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"I like my best friend," I said for the first time out loud. It was true, but I never thought I was going to tell people.

My heart stung. I don't know why it did... Colten did squat shit, but in a way he broke me a little. Just him running, well walking to Julianna made a huge impact on me. Why? I have no freaking idea... I'd been fine with it weeks ago, hell I'd be fine with it now if Colten would stop sending mix signals.

The only reason I could have some possible crush on him, is logically because he's perfect. I don't know why I noticed it now... But it's damn true.

Do I like admitting it? No, because obviously he doesn't like me and never will. He sees me as a friend. I have no idea why these last couple weeks I thought I saw in his eyes he had some sort of affection towards me.

It's complete utter bullshit. My head is literally spinning in confusion. Alex and Rider just stood there in front of me... Not saying anything. Obviously Alex saw it coming but Rider, she already thought we had a thing going on so it didn't really matter.

I wanted to say something. I wanted them to say something. I just wanted Colten.

"Kiley, Its normal to have feelings for someone that you have known this long. It was bound it happen," Alex says sitting down next to me. She looked at me like I was a complete mess. I was though... My hair was frizzy, and my makeup was dripping down my face.

What she said though, I already knew. I knew it too well and I didn't think it would end up this way. I always imagined it as a quick stupid crush, and then bam I'd be onto some other cute guy... But no.

I don't know if its the fact that he's been my best friend for years and I know everything about him, which is absolutely perfect. Or that... I just really like him.

Honestly it's pathetic that I got mad over him walking over to Julianna, HIS GIRLFRIEND and not me. Obviously though I wish it would of been me.

These signs that he has been showing me lately are the reason I like him, but now I'm not so sure. There's never going to be an 'Us' a 'Colten and Kiley'. Never ever.

I shook my head up and down at Alex. My way of saying 'Sure'. I didn't want to speak, but I knew someday I had to. So I guess I should start now.

"I don't get it. Why does it hurt so much? One little thing happened and I completly flipped!" I exclaim. That got me thinking though... What would happen if he didn't actually like me back? Or stopped showing the signs? What would I do then?

Rider stands up, then sits down by me again. Then she gets puts this really serious face on.

"Well Kiley! You just have to say screw it and talk to him! Ask him how he feels about Julianna and go from there! You can't sulk around in your room forever bitch! Now get up and rant with me!" This was a different side of Rider that I have never seen so far.

Honestly I liked it because it got me motivated.

Standing up from my bed I looked her in the eye and said, "Yes! I fucking will!" Wiping my eyes with my arm I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my phone. I guess my body screamed go to Colten's but my mind sure didn't. In seconds I was crying again.

"I can't do this guys," without hesitation I fell onto my bed. Sad and depressed. Honestly it was pathetic that I was acting like this. It must of been my period working on me. Yes, I just used the period excuse.

He is my best friend. What should I be afraid of?


"You poor baby," Julianna held the ice pack to my eye. Her body leaning into my side. I Wasn't looking at her. I didn't want to. I knew I messed up big time. All I wanted was to see Kiley. To see her long brown hair, that she just happened to straighten today. Honestly I thought she looked so hot with her hair straight. Also, I craved to gaze into her emerald green eyes that tended to sparkle in the light. I loved those eyes. And to hear her laugh. She had the cutest laugh a human being could ever have. All I really wanted was her.

She was a beautiful piece of art.

She was my best friend... And I loved her dearly.

"Julianna?" I questioned. She smiled sweetly, but it wasn't her normal smile. I watched as she opened her mouth to speak, and her hand raised to pat my shoulder comporting me.

"It's Kiley isn't it?" As those words left her mouth I felt awful inside. Looking up at her, I saw her eyes were softened and her smile was still there. A simple closed mouth smile. I wanted to ask her how'd she guessed, but my face said it all.

"Colten I'm not stupid. It's obvious that you adore Kiley. I mean, who wouldn't? She's beautiful. And before you say sorry or try to deny this, I'm completely fine. I should of saw it coming. Well, I kind of did." Julianna removed the ice pack from my face and set it down in my lap. My heart was beating out of my chest... I never saw this coming.

Trying to say something, nothing came out of my mouth. I felt even worse because I kept Julianna hanging... But I heard her. She told me she was fine.

"I just hope we can stay friends. I'd enjoy it." She stood up as I nodded quickly. Friends... Yes friends sounded good.

I watched her eyes move from me to the door, a huge smile appeared on her lips. She looked back at me, patted my knee and smiled once more.

"Looks like someone important is at the door. Go get her Colten," Julianna bent down, kissed my cheek and headed towards the back door. I knew from then it was over... But I also knew someone very special was on my front porch. Beginning to stand, I felt my knees weaken and my heart drop to my stomach. Why was I this nervous? I've never been this nervous before.

My eyes latched onto those gorgeous emerald green ones, and I couldn't help but just smile brightly. Her on the other hand had a gloomy frown, and I knew it was because of me.

It felt like a million minutes before I felt the door knob reach my hand. And then a million more before the door opened. And a million more before one of us started talking, which was her.

"Colten, I have to tell you something." Kiley said with full confidence. Honestly I didn't know if I should be expecting good or bad... So I just prepared myself for the worst.

"I need to tell you something also Kiley, something very important," I swallowed the spit that was building up in my mouth, and I swear I swallowed my heart that was in my throat.

"Okay, well can we say it at the same time?" Kiley asked. I could tell she was as nervous as I was. I nodded, because I literally would do anything to make the both of us less nervous.

"On the count if three?" My voice trembled... I don't know if I found this moment more awkward or just filled with nervous nerves.

This time she nodded.

"Okay, 1," I said.

"2," she said.

And right as I built enough convince to say three my mother began to scream from inside the house. Both of us went wide eyed, and instantly ran to my mothers side. Before I could even process anything I saw my little sister laying on the floor.

Still as can be.

-Authors note-

I guess after, well more than a month I could at least update. I feel really shitty for not updating in a long time.... And I feel like this chapter is shitty. I hope the book isn't and I hope you guys are enjoying it.

Basically, they were so close to confessing there feelings!!!

Now what happened to Colten's little sister?

BTW I finally got to see my boys in concert :) OTRA Milwaukee :)))

And I got an iPad for my birthday.... (I paid for it. XD)

And I finally turned 14.

Schools tomorrow and I'll try to update soon!!! Hopefully faster this time!!

Thanks for 4.7k :) can we get to 5?



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