Chapter Twelve

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(Trenton!!! ^^^^)


This had to stop. As bad as I didn't want it to, it had to.

Kiley is my best friend. We have always been just best friends... Nothing else. But these last couple days have been different. And the way she looked at me the other night, made something go off inside of me.

It was bound to happen sometime... But I can't let this continue. As much as it feels right, I can't ruin our friendship.

Julianna and I have been doing okay I guess, nothing extravagant... And Kiley and Jayden have been doing... I honestly don't know.

Jayden, Jayden seems shady.... He's always on his phone. Never complimenting Kiley. Never really even pays attention to her. It pisses me off.

Kiley deserves to be treated like a princess. He clearly doesn't do that. It hurts, to see her hurt. I can't really do anything because Julianna would get mad... And I would be known as a dick.

I can't risk and bad reputation.

A lot of things need to change.


"C'mon Todd, why can't you order McDonald's for your favorite Niece?"
Batting my eyes some more, I stick out my bottom lip. He doesn't budge.

"Kiley, I'm sorry I can't do that. I don't think any of the teachers can. Yes, I know I'm the principal, but I can get in a lot of trouble for that," Mr. Breuer looks back down at some papers, and writes some stuff.

Myself, was stuck in the principals office again for making fun of Mr. Sambs. I almost got myself switched out of his class.... Literally so close. I guess next time I have to work harder to do so.

It was lunch and my uncle has offered to go get some food to bring to me from the cafeteria, but I have refused because I want McDonald's.

Supposedly though that's illegal?

I just want some damn Mcdicks.

Talking about dicks, I just remembered... My boyfriend is probably worrying about me. Lol, just kidding, he hasn't talked to me in a awhile.


No texts, no surprised visits, and no talking in school. Honestly, it hurts a lot, but I don't want to say anything. It's stupid, I know... Break up with his is the obvious solution... But it makes no sense.

He seemed so into me... Like I was a beautiful piece of Art. I guess not, all he is is a dick.

That means pay back.

Kiley, please don't give into him.


"Oh my god! Trenton? Is that you!?" Alex screams on the top of her lungs. I look a head of us at the pool of people, and back at her to see her eyes wide. My heart literally dropped when I looked back ahead to see are old friend Trenton. Gayer than ever.

I love this kid.

"Oh my god! I missed you guys so fucking much. Give me hugs!" Trenton opens his arms as Alex and I go in for a hug. He hugs us both tight for awhile, until we all let go.

All of us have smilines on our faces... The last time we saw Trenton was three years ago when his parents decided to put him in 'Private School'. Yeah, stupid, I know.

"I have so much to tell y'all," He nods his head up and down and then glances back. He looks back at us and leans in as if he was going to tell us a big time secret.

"But first, aren't the Lee Twins fucking adorable? I can't believe how hot Noah and Jack have gotten," He starts to fan himself with his hand. Alex and I both chuckle. Both of us love Having Trent around because he can gossip with us 24/7 about guys.

"They have really hit puberty," I say looking towards Jack and Noah. Both of them by there lockers smirking it up.

"I must agree," Alex nods checking both of them out. Yes, she is dating Bradley... But honestly I don't think that is going to last for long.

She's had her eyes set a certain person for the last couple days. He's in Colten's class, and his name is Bronson.

Different, but whatever floats her boat.

"Okay girls, I'll see you later, gotta make my presence everywhere!" He blows us both kisses and walks away sassfully. Honestly he gets more guys than both Alex and I combined.

What a little bitch.

Once Trent is out of sight, Alex looks straight at me. Pissed off. Okay? What happened this time.

"You are breaking up with that little snot Jayden right?" She is giving me the eye. I know she doesn't like him, I don't think she ever did.

"I was planning on it... Why did he do some more stuff?" I was really curious... If Jayden did some more stuff, I was literally going to flip.

I seriously thought this was going to work. But then I realized Colten was paying more attention,to me than Jayden was. To be honest.... I liked it... A lot... And for some reason I have this weird feeling inside me.

But then there's Jayden you is a completly different person. Not the Jayden I knew when we weren't dating.... All he is, is a fuck boy.

Bringing my attention to Alex she rolls her eyed and begins.

"Okay, so Julianna starts talking to Colten and I at lunch on how Jayden has been blabbering to his friend back home. Well anyways, they have been talking about how annoying and clingy you are and how the only reason he is dating you is because he only wants to get in your pants," She takes a deep breath but then glares off into the distance.

Myself, shocked, felt kind of numb. I don't understand why he would do something like that to me. He was so sweet, and recently he just stopper talking? What was this elementary school?

Try to lighten the mood I answer with a nice remark.

"Well he sure is doing a shitty job at it." Seriously, what did I ever do to deserve this? We have only been dating for a couple weeks now. Gosh, I hate fuckboys.


"I'm going to rip his lungs out!" Colten shouts down in his basement. He was pacing back and forth, in front of Alex, Julianna and I. Right now I didn't want to get close to him because I knew he would blow up again.

"I'm literally going to murder him!" Even though Julianna was in the room, Colten didn't stop saying different ways he could kill the kid

"Sorry Juli, it's just, no one messes with my best friend," He looks at me the whole time. Not once at her. I really hope Julianna didn't feel bad, but... When Colten said that my stomach dropped.

Why haven't I noticed how perfect Colten was?

-Authors Note-

Sorry!!! I know this is like really short but its something! I love all you guys and thank you for 4k!!!

You guys are the real og's.

Much love!




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