Chapter 52 - 'You Need To Stop Getting Yourself Into Trouble.'

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Wolfgang sat up in the bed he was sharing with Hope, his eyes casting around in the darkness for the tribrid. It was a few moments before she returned to the room, keeping the light turned off so as not to awaken him.

"Where did you disappear to?" The Nachtstern asked as Hope slipped back under the covers. She let out a breath, drawing closer to him, "I went to get some water."

He nodded, looking down at her in the darkness. Although the lights were turned off, he could see almost clearly, taking note of the way that her eyebrows were furrowed and her forehead creased.

"What aren't you telling me?"

"I found Landon working out with Jed." Hope explained. Wolfgang nodded, running his tongue over his lips to wet them. He let out a sigh, wrapping an arm around Hope's form, "Unusual but not a cause for concern."

"He was lifting 300 pounds." The Mikaelson tribrid explained. A single corner of his lip tugged upwards in that crooked smile of his as his gaze met hers, amusement dancing in his light brown irises.

"He's the son of a living mud pit." Wolfgang pointed out. Malivore was an anomaly as far as they were concerned, "Maybe supernatural strength is an ability he's picked up after being possessed by his father."

"You're probably right, honey." The tribrid said with a sigh. Hope rested her head against his chest, "Maybe I'm just being paranoid."

"Well, let me get a clean suit in the morning and we can torture him." Wolfgang offered. Hope nodded, kissing the Nachtstern vampire quickly.

"Interrogate, not torture." Hope corrected, staring into his eyes with her cerulean irises. Wolfgang gave her a smile, nodding in agreement, "We can move on to torture if we get nowhere."

"You're the one in charge, Geliebte." Wolfgang said, letting out a chuckle before he rolled on top of her. He was resting between her legs, a hand on either side of her head. He leaned down, his lips millimetres away from hers. Wolfgang stared deep into her beautiful blue eyes, a grin plastered across his lips.

"Until then, allow me to take your mind off of it?"


Wolfgang walked into his mansion, aiming to change into a clean suit so he could join Hope and get some answers from Landon Kirby. The Superior Original paused, inhaling sharply as he focused his hearing.

Wolfgang let out a low growl before running to his study at vampire speed, pushing the door open as he stood inside the large room. The Nachtstern looked around before his gaze landed on someone sitting on a chair across from the lit fireplace.

The blonde had one leg crossed over the other, a book resting on top as she flicked through it. He paused, crossing his arms as he regarded his adoptive sister.

Wolfgang smiled widely, "Charlie, I didn't think geography was really your subject of choice."

"It's not." Charlotte replied, meeting her brother's gaze. She interlaced her fingers, her pale blue eyes staring into his, "But it is a map of Charleston."

"And why are we interested in the layout of South Carolina?" Wolfgang asked, raising an eyebrow at her. She cleared her throat, giving him a condescending smile, "Well, it might have something to do with a small issue called the Disciples of Nachtstern."

"Oh, them." The Nachtstern said, shaking his head, "Why are they an issue?"

"Apart from the fact that they're a load of vampire supremacists?" Charlotte questioned. Wolfgang waved his hand at her dismissively. He didn't see how they were his concern, "In any case, I denounced them centuries ago."

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