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It's a strange world isn't it?

Day twenty-seven: the split mind of a dead boy

"Izuku my sweet boy can you sit up?" His father coos sweetly, placing a tray of food on the ground next to the boys futon. The tray holds a bowl of soup and a water bottle, easy to eat and digest. The smell brings Izuku out of his trance. He looks around wearily trying to find the source.

"Father?" Izuku rasps out. His voice croaks like he's been screaming or crying. Thinking back to his restless nights maybe the screams and cries in his dreams happen to him for real. Eri did mention yesterday in the café how he cries sometimes when he sleeps.

He seems to be crying a lot recently. Izuku finds that his mind feels like it's splitting in two and every thing is fuzzy. There's two of him and he doesn't know the other but they know him. It's unsettling. It's overwhelming, so maybe just this once Izuku won't be mad that he's crying.

His father smiles sadly down at him, it looks genuine and caring. His father always seems to know what's going through his head. Izukus father seems more switched on with his emotions that Izuku is himself. It all adds to how great a parent he is. Always soft and gentle. Never angry or violent. Always doing what's best and never ever judging him.

Izuku wouldn't even be surprised if his father really did know what's going on in his head. His father has many quirks that help many people from all around Japan. Helping heroes, villains and civilians. Izuku hopes to be at least a sliver of what his father is. Able to share his kindness through the world to help every one.

But Izuku doesn't have a quirk. And that's why he's sick in the first place. If he wasn't so weak his father wouldn't have to take time off just to look after him. He's wasting his fathers precious time and for what? Izuku can't do anything at the moment. His body collapsed just because he took Eri to the park. He tried to be kind to her and now they both have a sickness.

Izuku is so glad he got the worst one. He'd hate to see Eri suffer because he aloud them to go out. He should have asked his father! But he didn't want to bother him! Gosh can he do anything that won't end up going wrong?

If he was normal his father would be less stressed and happier, his siblings would be happier too, Izuku could go about his days helping them without being asked. Like a little house husband showing his gratitude. Taking the chorus off their plate so they have more time to relax. Instead his father is here, sat sadly next to him having to use quirks on him to keep him awake and moving.

The only problem will be if his father can make out the fuzzy haze his mind has become.

"Oh my precious doll what am I to do with you?" His father questions down at him. Even kneeling down the man still looms over the white haired boy.

Izuku cracked a smile and shifted as best he can. It seems Izuku's immune system has seen better days. The time outside yesterday caused him to catch a bug of some sort. A high fever and fatigue plagued his body. Eri luckily seems to only have a slight cough so the eldest sibling tomura has taken to looking after her.  Izuku sighs happy with his evaluation.

The children's father has taken the day off work to look after Izuku who seems to be in much worse shape then the youngest. "Sorry for the trouble father." He says wincing at the movement. His father chuckled before placing himself behind the boy and pulling him up to sit in his lap. This caused Izuku to let out a whine that had his father awwing at him. "S-sorry." Izuku whispers face already flushed because of his fever.

"Now now that was too cute if you keep this up I'll never be able to let you go." His father says grabbing the bowl and spoon. "Open wide now," he says squishing the boys jaw with his free hand. Izuku complies letting the man feed his son. "That's my good boy." He says releasing the hold on the boys jaw instead wrapping his now free hand around the boys torso. "My my," he says squeezing the boys waist. "You're far to skinny no wonder your body falls ill so often."

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