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『Perfection isn't achieved when there is nothing more to add but when there is nothing more to take away.』

Day thirty-one: triggered memories

Izuku shudders in his sleep feeling a strange sense of danger wash over him. He feels scared being forced into a dream state when his father was so worried about his condition. He knows his father did this, his father has done this almost every night, but why he did it is still unclear. And that's what troubles his dreams.

He knows he is unwell he has a strong urge to follow a pull whenever his eyes slip shut. He feared the pull was death itself trying to lure him away for the rest of eternity, but if felt too warm and caring, in every thing he's heard and read, death was a cruel cold hearted monster.

Death would take him away from everything. His family and his friends, his home and his life. Well maybe not his friends, he has no friends. Maybe that kind lady at the coffee shop could be his friend?

But he's just distracting himself. The darkness closes in on his mind and he feels time slow down. Last time he was brought into this dream he saw... what should he call that voice? His friend? His insanity? No that sounds informal and rude. Did they have a name he could call them? And that other one. A boy? The voice was arguing with him over that hero? It's all so dark and fuzzy. When was that? The same day as the coffee shop? The voice was yelling at him. His father was yelling for him. And the hero- the same boy as in that memory he was forced to watch. The boy who talks to him in his mind trapped him and made him watch that awful seen of a boy trapped by smile. That was the same blond as the one who was yelling at him! What was he yelling?

Was it deku? Dekiru? Dear... darling! That's what he'll call them, darling. His body warms at the idea of having not one, but two darlings. He finds the word so memorable. So easy to say. It's familiar like so many things, Like he's heard it some where. His mind agrees persuading him to investigate.

He focuses hard on the thought digging through thousands of clogged memories and hazy dreams. He floats through the dark plain aimlessly, looking for something he can't see. He feels something cold settle against his chest a press down, it repeats the motion in different places successfully making Izuku loose track of thought. He looks down but sees nothing on him.

The boy sighs knowing it's something that must be happening in the real world.

The real world sounds nice. Izuku can't help but wonder what a life in the real world would be like. Able to go anywhere and meet new people anytime. A loving family that go out together on the weekends. School, college and even work! Meeting strangers in the park at night or late afternoon study sessions in a coffee shop. All the things he's read and heard about.

That time he took Eri to a coffee shop was so nice. Walking through a park with a cool winter breeze. Mittens and coats with the smell of coffee, burnt sugar and crisp mint.

Izuku subconsciously relaxes in to the familiar sents his mind brings back. That was such a nice day but how did it end?

Why does his memory of that day end abruptly as they left the coffee shop. How did they get home?

What did they make for dinner? Did he tell his father and brother about their day, as Eri bounced happily in her chair adding in exited noises.

Even the little things of why can't he remember brushing his teeth, or getting into his pyjamas. He can't remember trying to fall asleep either. He usually has such strange dreams too.

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