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when we were little kids, we loved the heroes. Now that we're older we understand the villains.

Day thirty-five:

Aizawa was more than grumpy when a blaring noise interrupted his small allocated sleeping time. His eyes had just nicely closed, his cats had settled and he was free of all thought. Apparently shota is not allowed to sleep.

He was even Grumpier when he pick up his device that blared, his phone, and it displayed the time 3:16 am. The brightness glared at him, causing a sharp pain to bloom behind his tired eyes. This only helped worsen his already bad mood.

Yet as much as he wished it to be quiet and let him sleep, the fact his phone was ringing at this hour ment it had to be important as only other hero/department calls would sound when a hero was off duty. Unfortunately hero alarms had no snooze button. And as a hero it was his sworn duty to answer even if the urge to brake his phone was strong. Underground hero or not Aizawa still has leisure time and he'd like to keep it.

Finishing his internal monologue the man sighs clearing his voice before buzzing the call through.

"Hello?" He drawls lazily, Hoping to god his prayer of sleep will be heard.

"Aizawa, good you're up." Begrudgingly, Aizawa thinks.

"We have a lead." So no, god decided no sleep for him. Great. But what's going on exactly? And what's with all the mind talking, is he loosing his sanity?

"Huh?" Shota makes out cursing himself for sounding as dumb as the banana hair man.

"It's detective T. We have a lead on Izuku Midoriya. I know I said I didn't want you too involved but she's only going to speak to you and we're running out of time."

Oh. Aizawa was woken up instantly from that. "What do you need?" Comes the fast response.

"Meet me outside the main entrance of Miuyumi general hospital. Oh and shota please, make it quick."

Then the line goes dead. And the man is left holding an empty phone to his ear.

Well if it's for his problem child who's he to say no? He can't keep lying to himself that it will all work out. He needs to step up and make sure it will all work out... even if that means breaking a few rules... or laws. Eh he's an underground hero anyway.

By the time Aizawa had got to the hospital, all he could see was police cars. Rows and rows of police cars. Blue and red light reflecting off any half shiny surface, which for the record was pretty much everything. Aizawa could have been at a rave, or a tacky school disco. These were two places he despised being anywhere near.

Here he was in the centre of it all. Just great. He loved his job.

That's a lie he hates his job and he hates it here. Obnoxious flashing lights and a quiet but tense atmosphere had the hero putting on a defensive front. Walking over to spot the man of the hour.

The detective stood tapping his foot in the main entrance. Seemingly use to the lights and tension. He kept his wrist up right glancing at it every few seconds. So much so Aizawa was beginning to doubt there was an actual watch there. Yet as soon as the man saw the hero he bowed slightly and marched in through the doors, hoping Aizawa was following behind.

Aizawa indeed was following. Yes it was like he was a lost puppy behind the detective, but that's not important. He was following that's all that matters.

They quickly moved through the hospital in silence. Turning further into the building. Since it was so late the halls were deserted but somehow that helped the hero stay calm. And since he was given no explanation he was naturally on high alert. Was Izuku here? Was someone Izuku knew here? Or was it someone who knew Izuku?

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