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( track 13: )

kiss with a fist
florence + the machine

0:00 •—————— 2:15
◀ || ▶

nora's point of view

after changing my clothes in the women's locker room, i pushed the door to the women's restroom then leaned on one of the sinks to wash my hands.

it was friday, meaning we're having p.e. we just finished playing dodgeball with the other dudes and it was rough as always. might have bruised my legs a couple of times because tim and i tried to figure out how to do those dips that drag queens do. we ended up looking like a bunch of idiots.

i wiped my hands on my jacket then took out my eyeliner from my pocket to fix my makeup since it has worn off while i was sweating. without eyeliner, my eyes would just look horrible.

"hazel, my love!" tim barged in the restroom jumping around. "i got something to tell you."

"tim, what the fuck? you're in the women's restroom!" i reminded him as two girls walked in one of the cubicles behind us.

"what, like i care about vaginas?" he scoffed. "we're just looking at our reflections into this dusty ass mirror, it's not like we're peaking under cubicles you know?"

"good point." i shrugged then continued drawing around my eyes.

"anyways so do you know this guy named ben—no, not rodrick's ben seagal. ben as in, the exchange student who's also one of the new jocks from the tryouts earlier?" tim started to laugh as he grinned widely, making him cover his face with the coffee cup he's been holding. "so like, yeah, he's kinda cute um..." he started to laugh.

"oh my god, even your ears are turning red." i pointed out, chuckling at the fact that he was blushing.

"yeah but like, come on hazel—goddamnit who wouldn't act this way whenever someone talks about someone they like?" tim continued to jump up and down.

"hmm, was that all that you wanted to tell me?" i questioned as i buried my eyeliner into my makeup bag. "because from your tone, i could tell that you're trying to go somewhere."

"well i was going to ask you a favour hopefully but i don't want to sound so–"

"you shouldn't be in the girls' room, tim!" one of the girls shout as they ran outside.

"shut the fuck up, becky!" tim exclaimed. "anyways going back, i wanted to ask you a favour."

"uh huh?"

"but like, you don't really have to do it since i know you don't like talking to anyone other than me." tim grimaced then shook his head. "i was wondering if you could help me figure out if he's..." he limped his wrist.

i rolled my eyes and sighed. "sure but like, isn't that a little wrong? it sounds like invading someone's privacy or something." i took out my black lipstick from my pocket then started applying it on my lips. "it's none of our business to assume someone's sexuality. like, who knows? maybe he is gay but he just had to act straight just so his fam won't disown him; or maybe he is actually straight."

"i know i know, it just sounds so wrong when i couldn't explain it properly. hold on, let me try explaining it properly give me minute." tim stared blankly on the ceiling, muttering things i couldn't understand. "wait—okay, i got it. so like, you don't really have to stalk him or interact with him. it's-how should i say, look for some signs. you don't have to talk to him or anything, i just can't stare at him without him noticing me. you know how it feels being noticed by your crush, right?"

𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐄𝐋 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋! | rodrick heffley/devon bostickWhere stories live. Discover now