Ask #1

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@Yellowwolfgbs How long have you been together and who came onto who first

Breakdown: We knew each other before the war even started

Breakdown: The first time we met was in a store I bumped into Knockout

Knockout: *crosses arms and rolls his optics* Literally! Still mad about that!

Breakdown: *looks at him* Why? I said I was sorry Knocks!?

Knockout: *huffs* When you bumped into me you literally sent me flying into a wall! *gets in his face releasing a growl* And scratched my paint!

Breakdown: *sighs* It was an accident Knocks I didn't see you infront of me!

Knockout: *narrows optics* Are you saying I'm small!

Breakdown: *shrinks back a little* No....Maybe

Knockout: *splutters* I-I can't believe you Breaky *pissed* How dare you!

Breakdown: *stares at his pissed off mate nervously* I'm not going to get to interface with you tonight am I

Knockout: *crosses arms and raises his helm high* No your not!

Breakdown: Damn it *sighs* Anyway we got together just before the war hit it's peak

Knockout: *hums* Yes...High grade was involved the night we mated for the first time

Breakdown: *smirks* I can handle alot of high grade without being overcharged but I quickly found out Knocks was a light weight when it came to high grade!

Knockout: *blushes* I'm not a light weight!

Breakdown: *chuckles* I beg to differ Knocks you got overcharged after only a cube and a half then you came onto me flirting and seducing me like there was no tomorrow! 

Knockout: *blushing bright blue*

Breakdown: *chuckles at his mates reaction* We've been together ever since so about a couple thousand years give or take!

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