Ask #54

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@halfprimeAndRaja Exkaiser: Well if you guys want you can give me asecond so i can call them.... Kumi: i'm still surprised I did not expect you to have kids tho... Exkaiser: Well here i am Kumi... (A White & Blue mech enters the room with A White & Green mech) Blueraker & Greenraker: (runs towards Exkaiser and hugs him) Hi Sire Exkaiser: (Being twice the size of both mechs) hey you two Kumi: (Looks towards Knockout and Breackdown) So is he ''old'' enought?? Tbh hes legit your hight if not close to-

Knockout, growls while rubbing the bridge of his olfactory sensor: Alright, I'm going to make this even clearer then it already is. {Moves servos around for emphasis} You're only old enough to drink High-Grade and have Sparkling's, when you've entered your Young Adult cycles!

Breakdown, nods in agreement: His right. But sometimes Cybertronian's start a family unit of their own at the very end of their Youngling years. {Shrugs} Any younger then that, and you can be sure everybot will spread rumours and more about you being a glitch.

Ask Knockout And Breakdown! (Ship!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora