Ask #44

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@sammymossoff354 Ohhhhh nuuuu this is bad just torture poor BD not being allowed in the room with his mate bc he is a "bad influence to the younger kids"(😹) Annnnny wayyyyys Knockout question: since your mate Breakdown is gonna be out of the room for a week how will you stop your younger children from saying bad words again?

Knockout, glaring the triplets down: Easy, show them Carrier ain't messing around.

Lightspeed, Snowdrift & Sideswipe, staring at their Carrier confused.

Lightspeed, tilts helm: Frag?

Knockout, points at her: Don't say that.

Snowdrift, tilts helm: Slag?

Knockout, points at her: Don't say that either.

Sideswipe, tilts helm: Scrap?

Knockout, points at him: And don't say that.

Lightspeed, Snowdrift & Sideswipe, share a confused look before looking back up at their Carrier and saying in unison: Damn?

Knockout, growls at them optics flashing a brighter shade of red: NO!

Lightspeed, Snowdrift & Sideswipe, whimper at the clear anger in their Carrier's voice and look down at the ground.

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