Ask #36

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@angeldwolf1 Knockout have you considered Soundwave as a sparkling sitter?

Knockout, nods: I have, but to be honest {shudders} Soundwave kinda freaks me out.

Breakdown, watches as Lightspeed and Snowdrift throw blocks at poor Sideswipe: Who doesn't that Mech freak out?

Knockout, hums in agreement before taking notice of what was going on and runs over to stop it: Lightspeed, Snowdrift! Stop throwing blocks at your brother!

Lightspeed & Snowdrift, pout but do as their Carrier says.

Knockout, picks Sideswipe up and checks him over sighing when he finds no serious damage then just as quick shoots a deadly glare at his mate: Why didn't you do anything Breakdown!?

Breakdown, shrinks back from his clearly angry mate: Um, I though it was normal?

Knockout, makes a weird sound: Normal!? Breakdown, In what world is throwing blocks at your sibling considered normal!

Breakdown, looks down and grumbles: A human one.

Knockout, glares harder: What.

Breakdown, back up quickly: Nothing, I didn't say anything.

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