Ask #17

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@Multiverse_Librarian Ask: hey you two what languages can you speak?

Knockout: {Hums} I can speak many languages as can Breaky an every other Cybertronian.

Breakdown: {Nods in agreement} It's true but for us to speak a language that is not our native one Cybertronian. We have to learn it from the Internet unfortunately.

Knockout: {Sighs} Yes unfortunate indeed as we found out most things on there are a lie! But luckily for us Soundwave was able to find a website that was actually helpful an didn't lie!

Breakdown: {Smiles} Now everybot on the Ship can speak several different languages most of which help out on missions in other parts of the world an we have to interact with the humans.


Alrighty Everyone This will be your last chance to vote on which name you want for the Triplet Femme's. Make sure to pick THREE! names one for each Sparkling the voting will concluded on the 11th of April so make sure to put your votes in quickly! 

Snowdrift (1)

Goldblades (1)

Lightspeed (2)

Aquawheels (0)

Stormrunner (0)

Groovekick (0)

Turbofeather (0)

Voltbird (0)

Racedown (0)

Daredevil (0)

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