Ask #26

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@angeldwolf1 Cherry: Revenge is fragging sweet~ Me: Well have you both thought of names? Blade: Also sorry Cherry sent Megatron to the med bay.. I think...... Me: Also is Firebrawl OK? I know Cherry scared him. I think... Cherry: I might just bomb Megs again~

Knockout: {smirks} Oh~ We have the names ready now but you wont hear them until the triples are born.

Breakdown: {groaning in exhaustion} Megatron is the worst patient ever!

Knockout: {hums} Well you can't really blame him! He got his face blown up by our son and a Cyber-Kitsune named Cherry!

Breakdown: {grumbles} His still the worst patient ever.

Knockout: {shrugs} Anyway Firebrawl's doing fine! Though I imagine his getting a good lecture from the Autobots by now. {chuckles} An boy~ Does Firebrawl hate lectures!

Breakdown: {pleadingly} An please for the love of Primus don't bomb Megatron again.{completely flips} HIS THE WORST PATIENT EVER!

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