Ask #46

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@halfprimeAndRaja Exkaiser: Oh okay, (laughs in a worried tone), So what do you guys have planned to do lately...?? If you don't mind me asking... Kumi: (From somewhere in the Nemesis) AND BEFORE YOU AWNSER THAT YOU CAN KEEP EXKAISER AS YOUR OWN YOUNGLIHG AS WELL IF YOU'D LIKE!! Exkaiser: KUMI!! STOP TRYING TO SELL ME!!

Knockout, hums: Sorry, but I already have my servos full with my own Youngling and now the Triplets. Also I was thinking about having Breakdown, upgrade the Sparkling's room.

Breakdown, outside the door: I can't do that if I'm not even allowed to see said Sparkling's Knocks!

Knockout, gives a huff of annoyance: Then do it when your weeks up!

All Knockout, got in response was a loud groan.

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