Ask #53

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@halfprimeAndRaja Kumi: So would it be consitered old enough if I had a kid of my own?? (glairing Exkaiser when he arrives in the room) Exkaiser: .....What? Kumi: You have kids, don't you? Exkaiser: Adopted and My Team members....? Yes.... Kumi: Oh.... I didnt not expect that awnser.... So what are their names? Exkaiser: BlueRaker & GreenRaker Kumi: damn..

Knockout, narrows his optics: Only if you have a Sparkling, and not getting disgusted looks from everybot because of how young you are.

Breakdown, arms crossed over his chassis: Yep, If you're still considered a Youngling and have a Sparkling of your own. All you're getting is disgusted looks and whispers behind your backstruts. {Whispers lowly} Not to mention your reputation and family unit dragged through the rust pools.

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