Ask # 38

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@halfprimeAndRaja Opticrange: poor sideswipe, wiiiiich got me what was the one question your son (firebrawl) asked you that made you guys nervous 'bout ?? 😏😏

Knockout, with out hesitation: When he asked where his Cyber-Hound Slagger was.

Breakdown, shifts: We had to tell him that we had to give him away because we just couldn't look after him anymore. 

Knockout, shrugs with no remorse: In reality Slagger, lubricated- or peed as you call it on Megatron's pede and got a good old cannon blast to the spark!

???: WHAT!?!

Knockout & Breakdown, look towards the door to see their son, Firebrawl standing there with wide optics.

Knockout & Breakdown, optics widen: Oh, scrap.

Firebrawl, tears up: Slagger's dead! But you said he went to a better home!

Knockout, nods: Yeah, we did. {looks his son dead in the optics} But we lied.

Firebrawl, gasps in shock before whimpering and running off.

Knockout & Breakdown, watch their son run off with guilt.

Knockout, suddenly shrugs and starts walking off: Go deal with that Breaky.

Breakdown, splutters: W-Wha- WHY ME!?!

Knockout, gives him a look: Because I have three Sparkling's to look after and don't have time for a hormonal teenage mech!

Breakdown, waves his arms around before pointing at Knockout: BUT IT WAS YOUR FAULT!

Knockout, hums an shrugs: Yeah well, now it's your problem.

With that Knockout left to get his Sparkling's from Soundwave, and Breakdown was left to hunt down Firebrawl, to comfort him and awkwardly explain what actually happened to his Cyber-Hound all those years ago.

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