Ask #22

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@angeldwolf1 Cherry: Hey Knockout or Breakdown. How do you stop each other from over working? *Angelwing in the background fixing an Iacon relic.* Cherry: I can't get her to stop.......

Breakdown: {smiles} Well It's been easier to get Knocks to stop working now his Sparked with Triplets.

Knockout: {groans tiredly from a medical berth} I swear giving birth to these three is going to be torture!

Breakdown: {shakes his helm slightly} Whatever you say Knocks.

Knockout: {try's to glare at his mate but instead groans again as his Sparkling's kick him} Damn Triplets!

Breakdown: {rolls his optics} Anyway the way I got Knocks to stop working before he was Sparked was to offer him a relaxing buffing and waxing.

Knockout: {hums almost dreamily} Oh~ I love those times~

Breakdown: {smiles softly} I know Knocks I know.

[Suddenly the Med-bay door swung open startling the two mechs inside. In the doorway stood a young red, orange & yellow mech with almost glowing yellow optics}

Knockout & Breakdown: {look at the young mech in shock} FIREBRAWL!?

Firebrawl: {smirks an raises a servo in greeting} Yo! 

Knockout: {confused} Little Fire why are you here?

Firebrawl: {shrugs an walks over to them} Well I just thought I'd pay my lovely Carrier an Sire a visit is that so wrong?

Breakdown: {sighs} It is when your not a Decepticon Firebrawl.

Firebrawl: {stares at his Sire for a second before shrugging again} Eh! I don't care! {looks over to his Carrier an his optics widen} Carrier when did you get so fat?!

Knockout: {growls angerly} YOUR JUST AS BAD AS YOUR SIRE!

Firebrawl: {raises his servos in fear} What did I do!?

Breakdown: {sighs at his son} Firebrawl your Carrier isn't fat...His Sparked with Triplet Femmes.

Firebrawl: {optics widen in shock} YOU MEAN I'M GOING TO BE A BIG BROTHER OF THREE FEMMES!?!

Breakdown: {nods} Yes.

Firebrawl: {stares at them for a minute before slumping} Why couldn't at least one of them be a Mech!

Knockout: {growls} Ungrateful Youngling!

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