Chapter 14 Swan Girl

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"Are you ready, Ye Jin?" Hyun Bin asked her gently although she didn't even need to say anything for him to know she was nervous.

The pair was currently in Dance Studio A, waiting for Director Kim and the Ballet Mistress' arrival. After the past three nights of preparation, they were finally showing their dance item to them. This would make or break their opportunity to compete together at StarRise.

Neither of them wished to lose the opportunity to dance together which was why they were playing a high-stakes game.

It was all or nothing now.

"I'm scared...I don't want to hold you back, Hyun Bin." Ye Jin admitted.

"You won't, Ye Jin. If anything, I'm the one holding you back." Hyun Bin said jokingly before he lovingly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

If she wasn't this nervous, she would have teased him about his clumsiness. But instead, she could only afford a nervous smile this time.

"Breathe, Ye Jin. This too shall pass." Hyun Bin's soothing baritone slipped easily into her mind, temporarily quietening the voices in her head.

This too shall pass.

Suddenly, flashes from the past filled Ye Jin's conscious thoughts, reminding her of the little boy from her childhood. A beloved friend who she sadly lost touch with after the accident...


Flashback – 6 years old

Bright peals of giggles could be heard in the background of the kindergarten where Ye Jin was attending. Her new friend, a little boy with the cutest twin dimples was chasing her around the playground.

The playground, decked with swings and slides in primary colours was where they have been playing the past hour since the boy ran out of class to befriend her.

Minutes later, they were catching their breaths from their rowdy playtime, simply using the swings as seats. The boy peeked over curiously at Ye Jin before he broke his silence. "Why aren't you going in?"

"I'm scared. There are so many new faces. It scares me." Little Ye Jin's eyes widened fearfully at the thought of going into the classroom again.

"Breathe, Eon Jin. This too shall pass." The boy spoke formally, mispronouncing bits and pieces of it.

But, Ye Jin was smart enough to catch the phrase he spoke.

His sister taught him that phrase when he told her he was scared just that morning when she dropped him off with his parents. It gave him courage and he was hoping it would do the same for his friend too.

"What does that mean?" Ye Jin tilted her head to the side questioningly.

"It means nothing good or bad will last forever. You might be feeling scared now, but one day, you'll stop feeling scared." The boy appeared brave as he said that.

But on the inside, he knew exactly what his friend was feeling. He was learning how to deal with the scary monster that was fear himself.

End of Flashback


"Ye Jin? Ye Jin? What's wrong?" Hyun Bin was tapping her shoulder when she suddenly fell quiet.

Slowly, the wisps of memories from her past left her and Ye Jin came to her senses again. With a start, she realised Hyun Bin was shaking her slightly, worry evident in his voice.

"Omo, mianhae. Did you say something?" Ye Jin asked.

"No. I was just a little worried." Hyun Bin frowned.

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