Chapter 17

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Plan number two, affirmative. Seduce Niall. Plan number one failed. It was very obvious, kill Jennifer. Plan number three is to kill Zackery, or whatever his name is.

I strut towards Niall. Putting my hand over his chest I said, "what's that face for?" He shook his head then cleared his throat. "It just feels weird because we used to be best friends," he replied. "Well, best friends can have secrect feelings for each other." To be honest I don't have feelings for him at all. He is not my mate.

"So you have feelings for me," he smirked. "Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes and pushed him on his bed. Oh gosh, I'm really doing this. I never have done this in my whole entire life. I crawled up to his face and leaned in. Oh God, oh God! My wolf growls at me, wanting to give our virginity to our mate. Before our lips could touch, my phone rang.

Niall inwardly curse at something, I didn't bother to hear, thanking the lord for saving my virginity. I look at the caller ID. Walking to the room across Niall's, I shut the door. "Yellow?" I reply casually, as if nothing happened. "Did you finish the task?" he asked. "You just interuped sir," I stated. "Oh... well, finish." Before he could hang up, I stated a true fact, "but sir, he has already lost his virginity." He grunted in the other line. "But darling, I want you to do it with him. To bring her pain, since you never finished plan one." I nodded my head, although he couldn't see. "Yes sir." He hung up. I walked back to Niall's room.

"Let's finish what we started," I stated. Oh God.



I shot up off my bed, sweat trickling down my forehead. Thousands of questions run through my head. A blazing light shot through my eyes. Squinting, I put an arm over my eyes. "Wakey, wakey," Liam called out. "It's almost time to go to- woah! You look like shit," he laughed. "I feel like shit," I reply. "Sure, anyways hurry up, only thirty more minutes before school since you take so long to get ready." Liam shut my door behind him. "Hey!" I called out, hearing a laugh in the background. Rolling my eyes, I get out of bed. Tonight was even worst than that other time. I need to hurry up and accept his rejection. Oh Goddess, please help me.

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A/N Yellow ladies and Gents. Just wanted to say that........ Short chapter I know I know. Just wanted the weekend to go past. Bonus chapter on Wednsday. Cause ya'll should know I now usually post on weekends. Celeste didn't want to do what she was gonna do. Save it Celeste! Jenny didn't feel the pain because she was talking to the Moon Goddess. Yes, Celeste did it with Niall. So there was reallyno point in doing that Celeste. Well, to bad so sad. Love ya'll!


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