Chapter 26

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I arrived at the pack gym and took my bag out. Heading towards the doors, I heard yelling, shouting of pain, grunts, and huge beating sounds.

My palms started to sweat and my stomach clenched. I opened the doors and went to the register.

"Hi, um, I'm here to train with the pack," I said nervously. The blonde girl sitting at the front sat up straighter and started to type something.

"Oh, are you Jennifer Lawson?" she asked. I nod my head and she continued to type. "Here," she handed me a card and told me to go to the smaller gym for beginners.

I pushed the gym doors open and stepped inside. The smell of wet dogs hit my nose and I gagged for breath of fresh air.

A tall black haired man stalked towards me, his head tilted. "Hello, are you supposed to be..." he trailed off as I pulled out the card.

"The girl at the desk told me to come here for beginners," and I showed him the card. He inspected it and nodded. "Okay, set your things in the locker room over there," he pointed to the left side of the room, "and you may come out and join us."

I jogged over to the girls locker room and walked in. I set my things in locker 18 and continued back to the gym. All the trainers head snapped towards me. Some shot glares, some, smirks, and mostly confused faces.

The black haired man jogged over to me. "Your name?" He asked crossing his arms. "Jennifer," I answered. "I'm Thomas and these are your friend slash enemies," he pointed over his shoulder. He turned back around and clapped his hands together.

"This is Jenna and she will be joining us from now on," he yelled to the class. Jenna? Oh well. "Go over there by Ben. Ben raise your hand!"

Ben timidly raised his hands and shot them back down. I walked over to him and stood a couple of foots away from him. Ben shriveled back and held a sheepish grin.

"Jenna, Charlie will be your partner," he pointed to a girl in black shorts and tank. "It's Charlin," (pronounced Sharl- en) she grumbled. Charlin shot me a glare and popped her knuckles.

"Warm ups!" Thomas shouted. They started to stretch, do jumping jacks and push ups. After about ten minutes, Thomas instructed us to get with our partners.

I cautiously walked over to Charlin and stood next to her, making sure to give a lot of space.

"Okay, we are going to practice self defense, try to block any move, you may also hit your partner, but only a few times before switching," Thomas explained. "Choose who is partner A and B."

"I'll be A," Charlin quickly said with a devilish grin. "I'll be B then," I said nervously.

Thomas whistled for attention. "Partner B, you guys will be the one who is defending yourself," Thomas instructed. Oh mother flip. "Go!"

I turned to Charlin who already had a serious face on. I glanced in horror as she grinned. "Scared?" My eyes widen and I immediately set a poker face. "No," I said more confidently. She snarled and flung herself at me.

My body reacted on its own and twirled to the side. Charlie's arm swung towards my face, but my arm blocked it. I made a fist and aimed it for her stomach. She staggered three steps before growling loudly.

He leg came up and I knocked it down, her clenched fists flung at me and I bent down on each. Another leg came at me and I overlapped my hands and blocked it successfully. But in the process, I flew back and landed on my butt.

I cursed under my breath as Charlie got on top of me and pinned my arms with her legs. She punched my jaw and pain shot through. Another one hit my eye and I whimpered quietly in pain.

No you must do this! Shar exclaimed.

A burst of energy, again, flowed through my body. It pushed me forward. My arms came out of Charlie's grasp, then I pushed her with mighty force. My swollen eye and bruising jaw's pain started to heal, but rather slowly. 

Charlie came at me again and swung anything and everything off of her. For each one, I either dodged or used defenses. Charlie came with one last hit, and dodged it, letting her fall to the ground.

Everyone clapped, and I looked around in surprise. "Impressive," Thomas said raising an eyebrow. "She was the fifth best," someone shouted. I shrugged, panting. "Go get some water." I nodded happily and dashed for the locker room.

I took five gulps of water and another six. I pressed my black eye and bruised jaw. I winced at the impact. I growled in the mirror and wet a paper towel. Pressing it to my bruises, another girl came in.

"Hey, congrats! You know if you beat the first one, aka Thomas, you get to move on to the advance," the girl informed me. I just smiled and thanked her.

As soon as I walked out of the locker room, Thomas came up to me and patted my back. "Nice work there lad."

"Thanks Thomas, um, if Charlie was the fifth best, why did you pair me up with her?" I asked. He just laughed and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"I don't know actually, you seem like a tough girl." Tough girl my ass. "I'm not tough..." I trailed. He again patted my back and said, "not from the outside, but from the inside." I stared in disbelief.

"How do you know I am tough inside?" I crossed my arms and he mimicked. "Stop asking questions and get a move on. You will be trying to hit the fourth best since Charlie died over there."

"Austin!" Thomas called. Great! A boy! How nice Thomas. I frowned as s dirty blonde haired guy jogged up to Thomas. "Jenna, this is Austin, you two will be training together, unless you kill him, too." Thomas winked and walked to the front of the room.

"Partner A and B, switch!" Thomas yelled. Thomas plowed the whistle.

I drove a quick punch into Austin's side. I made a hard impact, causing him to grunt. I swung a couple more punches, but he dodged them. I used my legs to swipe them underneath his feet and push my elbow on his back and he fell on the floor. I almost had a temptation to get in top of him and hit the life out of him, but that wouldn't be fair. He got up and let out a low growl. I chucked my chin out at him, signaling 'bring it on'.

"Okay, you guys both can fight each other now!" Thomas screamed over the loud noises. Cheers erupted the room and they sprang into action.

Austin used his speed to push me down on the floor. He hit just below my cheekbone and was about to land another one on my other jaw. With my quick reflexes, I grab his arms and switched our positions. I gladly punched his jaw, cheekbone, eye, and busted his lips before he pushed me off of him.

Blood dripped from the corners of his mouth. He grinned giving me a big thumbs up. He breathed heavily and collapsed on the floor. Everyone looked at me again. And they clapped.

"Hey newbie! Wanna hang out?!" A boy shouted from the crowd and the others nod in agreement. I shrugged as they came over and dragged me to who knows where.

******** ⚓ ********
A/N Hoped ya'll enjoyed this! Sorry this was kinda late, but for ya'll new comers, you're lucky. I'm literally sick right now, I feel dizzy, but I feel so bad. So here you go! Stay tuned!
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XOXO- Qutedimond

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