Character profile

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Name: Nashiko Kato

Alias: The Second Humanity Strongest Soldier

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Species: human

Height: 5'5

Weight: 125

Relatives: Kato Clan

* Mother Unknown (deceased)

* Farther Unknown (deceased)

Birthday: June 23

Birthplace: Underground

Residence: Wall Rose

Statues: Alive

Occupation: Soldier

Rank: Second hand man for Captain Levi


* Survey Corps

* Special operations squad

Grade: A++

Titans killed: solo at least


* In Team: unknown

* Total: 100 at least


Nashiko was born is the underground from a whore in a black room. her mom got sick after she had Nashiko. Nashiko was 13 years old when some men killed her mom. she ran and hide near a house. she heard them coming for her so she just waited tell and boy came up to her to see why she is hiding. she looked up to see a boy in front of her. he looked at her and said she was so dirty. He ask her name and helped her up. My name is Nashiko she said. He looked and her and said his name is Levi.

Freedom comes at a cost Levi x OC NashikoWhere stories live. Discover now