Chapter 13: Two Friends Gone

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It's been two days since Isabel and Furlan died. I stayed in my room the whole time crying myself to sleep ever night. I did not come out at all. everyone tried to talk to me but I didn't answer them at all. The only thing I felt pain and sadness at the sometime. I'm emotions were all over the place. I yelled, screamed, cried and felt hatred built up in my heart. 

Levi and Erwin Left me alone till I was ready to talk with anyone at all. I decided to walk down to the mass hall to eat lunch. As I opened the door everyone went silent as I came in the room. They just looked at me as I got my tray and sat down at my table. 

It went back to everyone talking to other. I just sat quiet till I heard Levi's voice call for me. I turned around a little bit to give him my attention.

'Yes Levi?' I asked him will a sad look on my face.

'Erwin want you in him office after you eat.' Levi said as he sat down next to me.

'Okay. Thanks for telling me.' I said looking away from him to to my tray. Hmm I wonder What bushy brows want with me. I was done with my food so I started to get up and at my tray to the kitchen.  

I walk down the hall to Erwin's office. I knocked on the door and wait for him to answer. 

'Name and business please.' He asked.

 'Nashiko Kato.' I said as I waited.

'Come in.' He said to me.

I opened the door and walked in. He was sitting at his deck motioning me to sit in front of him.You sat down in front of him.

'Is something wrong Commander Erwin?' You asked.

'Ah well you see cadet Kato. I would like you to take a few days out from your duty's. You and Levi will have a week together from HQ. I know you are having hard time with the lost of Isabel and Furlan' He said to me with a soft tone.

'Okay Commander. We can do that. When are we leaving and where are we going?' I asked him.

'The soldier will take you guys there and you leave at dinner time.' Erwin said. 

'Dose Levi know sir?' I asked again. 

'Yes he dose and he should be almost done I think. You are dismissed.' He said.

I got up and saluted him and walked put the door.  I was walking down the hall back to my room for the trip. Maybe that will help me heal from what happened. I said to myself. I got to my room and started to pack clothes for a week and grab personnel hygiene stuff for myself. I doubled checked and grabbed my bag to leave.

I was walking out side to a carriage that was waiting for me and Levi. He was alright there waiting on me. I hope in it and sat down waiting for Levi. He came in after me and sat down a cross from me. The carriage started to move. 

It has been a hour since we left HQ. I was getting tired and hunger as well. The carriage stopped. I looked out the window to see a old cabin in the middle off trees. It looks so beautiful here i thought to myself. 

We got out of the carriage and walked up to the cabin. Levi opened the door for me as I walked in. As I looked around it was clean for us. Thank good because I didn't wait to clean when we got here. I walked to the back of the cabin to find a room to stay in.

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