Chapter 14: Day one to Heal

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I walked to the back of the cabin to find two bedrooms. I took the left one. I opened the door and put my bag on the bed. I let out a sigh and fell to the bed. I shut my eyes for a few minutes because I was tired from the rid. I heard a knock on the door. I opened my eyes to get up and open it.

I opened it to find Levi right in front on it. He looked up at me as I just stood there. He looks angry and sad at the same time. Like he has something he really want to tell me.

'Come in.' I said as I motioned him in my room. I went to sit on my bad. Levi walked to a chair an pulled it out to sit in as well.

'I want to talk about what happened that day if you let me.' He asked with a sadness in his blueish grey eyes.

'Sure.' I said as I looked away from him.

'First of all I'm sorry you lost your best friend. I was to focused on killing Erwin I didn't think about you guys at all.' He said to me. My breathing got heavy at his words. "I didn't think about you guys at all." I started to tear up from that. Not from sadness but from angry. I got up and walk trowed Levi my hands balled up in to fists. I was screaming at him the whole time I was walk to him.

He just sat there with no emotion on his fucking face. That's what pissed me off the most. I got up to him and punched him in the chest over and over again. I did that for a few minutes.

'WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEAVE ME LIKE THAT LEVI.' I shouted at him with tears running down my face. I stopped punching him and got up and walk back to me bed and laid down.

'I'm sorry. I left you. I thought it would be the better for you at the time. I regret it.' He said with a tear coming down his cheek.

'Don't you fucking dare regret your decision Levi. We will heal from this and move on. I have been doing that for years now and you know that.' I said with a soft tone in my voice.

He looked up at me with a small smile. I got up from the bed again and walked to him. As I got there I hugged him tight and he hugged me back.

'Are you hungry Levi?' I asked him.

'Yeah a bit since we didn't get a chance to eat dinner.' He said.

'Okay. I will go and make something for us. by the way I want to try and have fun on this trip okay.' I told him as I walked out of the room to the kitchen.

I was making potato soup since we don't have much here. It was almost done as I was setting the table for us to eat on. I heard foot steps come behind me.

'It's almost done. Would you like some tea?' I asked him.

'Yes please.' He said.

I went to grab the kettle and put water in it as I placed it on the stove. It's been a few minutes and the kettle went out. I got up from the chair and poured it in a cup and put the tea leaves on a plat for Levi to make it how he likes.

We sat at the table and ate dinner. After we were done Levi cleaned the dishes for me. I walked back to my room to go to bed. Once I got in there I take off my clothes and put on fresh underwear and a bra and walk to my bed and laid down. I was slowly falling asleep.

Freedom comes at a cost Levi x OC NashikoWhere stories live. Discover now