Chapter 8: The Scouts

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Time skip a year: They are 15 years age now

Nashiko Pov:

'Levi, everything's ready. We've got confirmation on Jan. He's in a first rate hospital.' I said while walking down the stairs to Levi,Isabel and Furlan.

Walking down the road to get ready for the big job we have to do. I feel a little scared and nervous at the same time.

'The identity of the man is also confirmed. This job is the real thing! We gonna do it, levi?' Furlan asked Levi as he looked at him.

'Bro...' Isabel just said.

'Carry on as normal. But if they appear just like he said they would... we'll start the job.' Levi said to us.

We were flying in the air all the sudden we where getting chased. I look back to see how many there was but there was to many to count.

'Those movements... they're not the military police!' Furlan shouted at Levi.

'Yeah... no mistake. It's them. The Wings of freedom crest... It's the Survey Corps!' Levi said.

'Heh. As people who battle titans,they're as different as expected.' I said with a smirk on my face.

'You guys... you know,right?' He asked us.

'Of course. It's the job, right?' Isabel said.

'Now then, let me see how good... the Survey Corps really is!' I shouted to them.

'Yahoo!' Isabel shouted.

'Levi! They're here! The pursuers!' Furlan said to Levi.

'Heh. The Military police again? Haven't they leant their lesson, have they? Hey, Levi-bro! What I just said was cool like, right?' She asked.

I started to laugh to  myself because it was funny. Oh I love Isabel so much heh.

'Are you an idiot!' Levi said to Isabel.

' yeah, they haven't yet and are still sending those elite soldiers.' Furlan asked.

'Those merchants must have alerted them.' Levi said.

'We saved them from getting any  fatter and further ruining their health. They should be grateful!' Isabel said with an annoyed tone.

'Furlan, Isabel and Nashiko! Let's go!' Levi said.

We all separated and I stayed with Levi.I looked at Levi he Signal me to go in the building. I did as I was ordered. Levi followed me is there. We thought we lost them but I felt a blade on my throat. I tried to fight back but they shoved my face to the ground. I looked up my eyes widened when I saw Isabel, Furlan and Levi have been captured. I was angry I started to kick the man who was holding me down. I bit his finger. 'You little bitch.' He said and started to kick me to the stomach.

'Stop it. Take a look around you.' A man with blonde hair and bushy eyebrows.

'Stop. Let her go!' Levi shouted at the man who was kicking me.

'You bastard! Damnit all!' Isabel said while looking at me.

I was about to pass out till I heard a man say 'Stop Mike.' I was coughing up blood. I could not stand up because I was beaten to mad.

I looked at Levi. He was staring at me with a sad look. He could see me in a lot of pain. 'L-Levi.' I said then passed out.

Levi Pov:

No Nashiko! Why beat her that bad. She was just protecting herself. I thought in my hand.

'NASHIKO.' I heard Isabel and Furlan shouted out.

My eyes widened to see her passed out. I got angry and tried to get up. I need to go to her. I said to myself.

'I have a few questions. Where did you get this? You guys are skilled with 3D maneuver gear. Who taught you all that? You're the leader, right? Were you trained the military?' The man asked me.

I didn't not respond to his questions. I stayed quiet. He looked at the man behind me and all the sudden me face was on the ground in a puddle. I was getting more angry now.

'I'll ask one more time. Where did you learn to use 3D maneuver gear? He asked again.

'Not from anyone! We learnt it by ourselves!' Furlan said to him.

'Self taught, you say! I don't buy it.' He said.

'It's just so we're able to rise even a bit in this dirty garbage place! People who're used to sunlight like you won't understand!' Levi said to him with anger in my tone.

'That's enough! Levi bro go! Don't be cocky just because you're soldiers!' Isabel said.

I looked at him for a while. He walked to me and Nailed down to my level.

'My name is Erwin Smith. And yours is?' He asked.

'Levi.' I said.

'Well Levi why don't we make a deal?' Erwin said.

'A deal?' I said a little confused.

I will let you crimes go unpublished. In return lend me your strength. Join the survey corps,' he said down at me.

'And if I refuse? I asked.

'The military police will have you! Considering all of your crimes, you and your friends. Won't be treated very nicely. Choose whichever you prefer.' Erwin said.

'Fine,I'll join the survey corps.' I said to him.

Freedom comes at a cost Levi x OC NashikoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang