Not all perfect

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  • Dedicado a To all my friends You know who you are

Not all angels
Are perfect
Some have
Broken wings
Or black feathers
Or a missing halo
Or blindfolds covering their eyes
Or a cloth that holds their hands together
But even if
Their not perfect
Their imperfections
Have a meaning
If an angel has
Broken wings
That means
They have fallen
From the tightrope
And given their wings
To help someone else
Get to heaven
If an angel has
Black feathers
It means
They did something
They weren't supposed to
Because they only
Wanted to help
But the person they helped
Was the one
They were supposed to
Stay away from
If an angel is missing its halo
It only means
They lost it
On their journey
To heaven
Because they took
The wrong path
Only because people always
Told her
To take the road less traveled
And she did
If an angel has a blindfold
Over their eyes
They gave them away
So that someone else
Could see
What they could
And see what
Heaven looks like
If an angel has its hands bound
By a cloth
It only means
They were tied
Together so
Their hands would
Hold each other
Making an everlasting
A circle is round
And it has no end
And that's how far
They will go
Just to help someone
Not all angels
Are perfect
Some have
Broken wings
Or black feathers
Or a missing halo
Or blindfolds covering their eyes
Or a cloth that holds their hands together
All because
They just decided
To be themselves
Not all angels are
And they don't have
To be

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