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He draws wonderful drawings
And so does she
As they tell their stories
From yesterday
He asks her something
He asks her
"I tell you my whole story and you tell me yours will you still love me because I'll still love you"
She says yes
And as she says it he lifts up his long sleeves
And shows her his scars
And says "This is my story and I'm sticking to it
So don't try to change me
Because I am who I am
And this is who I am"
That's when she
Lifts up her long sleeves
And shows him her scars
And says
"This is my story and I'm sticking to it
So don't try to change me
Because I am who I am
And this is who I am"
So he asked her
If she still loved him
Her response was short and simple
"Yes always"
"I'll always love you"
Is all he said as they
Fell asleep under the stars

Poetry {Mostly Free Verse}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt