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I want you to think of someone you love that has passed. This poem is about them.
Their are angels from up high
Their are angels who die
But either way our angels fly
They fly into heaven they fly to the sky
Or they don't make it and fall down lower and lower
As they fly slower
We all hope to be an angel for heaven not hell
Where the devil dwells
He takes the ones god gives
As he counts the ones that live
Looking looking for his next victim for doom
As he sees a young boy no older than seven filled with gloom
He says that's my next victim destined for doom
But why he was already filled with gloom
He did not know as for god god was crying
Because that little boys mother was dying
It was cancer that they found to late
And his mothers death date
Was that day
It wasn't until the devil heard the little boy say
Momma I'm gonna miss you
Momma I'll always love you
But I know your an angel now an angel bound for heaven
I may only be seven
But I know you are bound for heaven because you always helped others
Like Alex's mother
Who had broke down a town away
And said Alex could stay
That night
I know what you did was right
So that's why you became one of gods angels tonight
One of gods many beautiful angels

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