Small boy Huge heart

76 1 1
  • Věnováno Cory (Jelly) M

I know a boy
He's small
But he has a huge heart
That loves a lot
And he's not afraid
To show people
Who he is
Or what he wants to be
Even though he will
Faint at anything
And everything gory
He loves his parents
He loves his friends
He loves his six other siblings
Even though they
May get hard to handle
At times
He doesn't care
If anyone judges
Cause he loves who he is
And I love that he's
My best friend
He's like the brother
I never had
And no matter what
We'll stay beside him
To cheer him up
To help him through
To keep him going
And sometimes
Just to make him smile
Cause he
Is our best friend
He is small
But has a huge heart
With lots of love
To give

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