
18 1 0

The color of love
I have loved
He was a guy who treated me right
All my inner demons would disappear
My anxiety
My depression
Completely forgotten
He cared for me
He really did
Is also the color of blood
And when I hear the word blood
I think of pain
Pain of my past
Pain of my present
Pain of my future
If you can't accept my past
You won't accept me in the present
And you won't wanna see my future
Because in the future
There is no us
It may not be a big deal to you
But to me
I'm still thinking of red
Because my love for you
Still lives
But my blood still stains
My past
My present
My future
Because it's kind of hard
When the one
Who's supposed to hold you together
The one who's supposed to
Keep you grounded
The one who's supposed to
Keep your demons at bay
Is the one person
Who rips you apart
The one
Who awakens your demons
The who makes you bleed
But yet
You can't help
But love them
Because for all that pain
All those lies
You still stayed true
You stayed true
To your heart
And it's one and only
True desire

Poetry {Mostly Free Verse}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant