Little one

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My little child still in my tummy
Making my belly feel funny
Hoping my little one is safe and sound
As I am bound
To it's father by marriage
Looking around I see the little figurine of the horse and carriage
That I miss so much
But such
A pleasure of knowing your there
As I hold your teddy bear
I hope your father makes it home from war alright
What a sight
It would be
If he could be here with me
When you are introduced to the world little one
A daughter or son
It doesn't matter to me
As long as you make it to see
The world unlike your brothers and sisters who left to soon
They didn't have their time to bloom
I know you'll make it you've made it the farthest out of all
As I stare at the mural on your wall
I think of all your siblings that couldn't see it
The first was little Brit
She didn't make it to her due date
Then there was young Nate
Who came early because he was very eager to see daddy
Then there was tiny little Maddie
Who slept forever because she was so sleepy every single day
Then skinny little May
Who wasn't eating well
Baby Elle
She didn't come cause she was to shy
The twins
Jackson and Rosalyn
Were early to early to survive outside
But I know you'll be alive
When it comes time for you to meet Daddy and me
You'll finally see
Why we named you Angel
Because we knew you would make it
We knew you would survive
We knew you were our little Angel

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