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Everyone has a wish
And when asked what their wish is
they don't tell
If they do
Their wish will
Not come true
But their wish did come true
A young boy
He baffled them all
A baby girl
She was a rebel
The teenage boy
He suprised his family
And that couple
They beat the odds of 1 in a million
their wishes came true
All because they
Never told anyone their wishes
That young boy
his wish was to walk
But he was paralyzed
From the waist down
He baffled all his doctors
When he finally took
His first steps at
8 years old
That baby girl
Her wish was to
See her Mommy and Daddy
And she was a rebel when
She told God
She was going home
That teenage boy
His wish was to see
But he was born blind
He surprised his parents
when he told them
he could see
That couple
Their wish was to
Have their own
And they beat the odds
by having not just just one
But two baby boys
To call their own
Everyone has a wish
So every wish you get
If its blowing out your birthday
or wishing upon a shooting star
To always wish
Because when you wish
About it
You have a better chance it will come true
So wish
Every chance you get

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