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This ones for my crush who even though I told him I like him doesn't even give a single f&@$ that I like him

Dress me up in a little pink dress
The one with the frills
The one that fits me best
Put my shoes on my little feet
The ones with the silver buckle
The ones that make just a lil bit taller
Curl my hair and tie it with a bow
The one in the same color pink
The one that makes my cheeks glow
Paint my nails white
The color of innocence
The color of truth
Make up my face
The one that smiles cutely
The one that blushes sweetly
Doll me up like your little toy
Am I pretty enough yet
Am I cute enough yet
Am I girly enough yet
Am I kind enough yet
Am I what you want yet
Am I the only one you want yet
Am I fake enough yet
Am I dumb enough yet
Am I broken enough yet
Have I cried myself to sleep enough yet
Have I cut myself enough yet
Have I bleed enough yet
Have I hurt enough yet
Have I loved you enough yet
No? You say
Well I guess I only have one more question
Am I dead to you enough yet
That you could leave and not think twice
If so then why don't you leave tonight

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