Special one

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Why do I have to be the special one
I don't like it
I want them to go away
People think I'm mad
But it's not me
It's them
They posses me
For their fun
Why do I have to be a special one
They yell at me when all I want is silence
They won't speak when I need to talk
They whisper bad things into my ear
When I'm trying to be good
I don't want them anymore
They terrorize me
Why do I have to be a special one
I mean
I don't mind death
But I do mind the ones who can't cross over
They want my help
But I can't help them
Because if I did
People would think I'm crazy
But they already do
Think I'm crazy
Cause I can see the dead
But I never choose to be a special one
I never wanted to be a special one either
So why am I 

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