Lesson Twelve (inappropriate messages)

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The next time he sees Karma, he's going to insist that they have a talk. So what if he consented to it? Karma should... know better... or something. Whatever. The point being that Nagisa's had to spend two days tugging at the collar of his shirt, even wearing one that was so tight when buttoned to the top that it was cutting off his windpipe. And all because he still has hickeys on his neck and he's paranoid somebody's going to see them. He's an educator. It's not like he can just laugh off these kinds of embarrassing moments, he has a duty to be a good example.

Admittedly, he forgot about it the first day. He'd remembered the hard way when he had to run to Seven Eleven to grab food since his fridge had been depressingly empty. Except he didn't have 'neck covering' up there with his priorities for a five minute soba buying adventure, so it had taken him a few minutes to realise why the worker had looked at him with a mixture of horror and embarrassment. Because not only were there a bunch of marks covering his neck, it legitimately looked like he'd been attacked by a vampire or something.

It wasn't worth how turned on it had made him at the time. Never again.

Almost a week later, and they still haven't faded. It's not as bad as it was, for sure, but it's obvious enough for Nagisa to feel self-conscious. As if standing in front of a group of teenagers all day isn't bad enough. Thankfully, nobody's brought it up to him. No, they're far more concerned with complaining about how short their winter break was, and the inevitable build up of exams.

At the very least, Nagisa had thought he would get PE period as a bit of relief, but then he was reminded of the promise he made to Watanabe. He really doesn't mind it, though. They don't have much time left together as student and teacher, after all, and he wants to make sure she leaves him in the best state possible.

Watanabe, at least, keeps to herself. As promised, she's just sitting and quietly working on her homework. He's comfortable enough, at least, to take his eyes off her and concentrate on his own work. Not that there's much of it. He's not so cruel as to set them a ton of homework so soon after the break.

That means, when his phone vibrates in his pocket, he doesn't really hesitate before pulling it out.

"No phones in school, Sensei," Watanabe says sarcastically.

He shoots her a look that... doesn't actually have that much venom. He feels like he can judge her enough to know that she's not being serious. Not that she's the one with authority in this situation, but Nagisa doesn't want to set bad examples. He's pretty much done with his work, though, and there's only so much of staring at the same papers even he can take.

Of course, he instantly regrets it.

Karma: I was just thinking, I haven't sucked you off in a while and you look good with your thighs wrapped around my head

Actually, Nagisa's heart drops into his stomach and he locks his phone shut immediately, stopping just short of literally throwing the thing across the room. This is inappropriate. He's in the company of a child. This place is a learning sanctuary and he doesn't need it being tainted by... that. Of course, there's a part of him that knows that freaking out will actually make it worse for himself, but that's more of a background voice.

Nagisa: Don't just send messages like that! I'm in class!

Karma: A. Why did you check it if you're busy?

Karma: B. Does that mean you'll take an appointment?

Nagisa: Why are YOU texting during work?

Karma: Slow day

He's withholding sex. He's doing it. If Karma's going to behave in this way... He wants to scream his annoyance to anyone who'll listen. Why is he like this? Why is Nagisa friends with him still? He doesn't care how good the aforementioned blowjob would probably be. It's no excuse to be sending him filth in the middle of the day just because he's bored!

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