Lesson Twenty One (a new perspective)

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"If it isn't our local hero!"

Nagisa's moved from not really spending much time in the staff room to outright avoiding it. It shouldn't be surprising, that everything ended up on the news. After all, it was a pretty significant incident. Unfortunately, this isn't his first media circus, and he knows all too well what not to say. But at least back then, the attention was spread evenly across their entire class. This attention is focused entirely on him and Karma. In fact, mostly him, because 'local school teacher saves student' is a catchier headline apparently, even though he maintains Karma did most of the actual saving.

The praise feels wrong, though. Nagisa was just doing his job, the best way he knows how to. Watanabe's empty seat reminds him of that every day. Even though she's in a much better home now... He can't say he doesn't miss her presence. Besides, no matter what, this is still awful for her. Even though her Dad lived in the end, she still lost both her parents, and the entire life she knew. That doesn't feel like something he should celebrate.

"Say, Shiota san," the headmaster drapes an arm over his shoulder. "We're thinking of bringing the end of year party forward to this week. We should celebrate you!"

He's been loving the attention on the school, naturally.

Nagisa squirms his way out. "A-actually I'm a little busy tonight, sorry."

"Ah," he waves him off, "your social calendar must be full... Well, we'll just wait until next week, then! But don't think we'll forget about this!"

He wishes he could burry his head in the sand. At least nobody's made the connection with The Kunugigaoka Incident yet. The attention from that only really died down a few years ago, and he doesn't feel like being psychoanalysed anymore than he already has been. Maybe he really should have just changed his name like his parents suggested...

Speaking of people with multiple names, he wasn't lying to his boss. To be fair, Kayano had reached out to him, asking him to meet. He hasn't seen her in what feels like an age. It's not that he doesn't want to, but he always feels guilt creep up on him. She's a super busy actress now, and he never wants to bother her. He can't say he's not relieved, though. Even though he already knew he was going to see her in just a couple of weeks anyway, he still misses her.

There's a small café, not so far from where he works. Of course, Kayano being a celebrity complicates a lot of things. He also worries about that... if her being seen hanging out with a guy would make things difficult. But she's pretty talented at disguises, and the location is inconspicuous enough that it wouldn't be anyone's first choice to investigate. That, and Kayano really likes the dessert menu.

She waves him over cheerfully when she sees him. "You might be more famous than me recently."

Nagisa sighs as he finds his seat. "I just want it to die down."

Kayano hums, playing with the rim of her water glass. "It probably will now. It's not like there's going to be many new updates, right?"

At least he can count on her to be rational from time to time. "You know much more about publicity than I do."

"It's a blessing and a curse," she jokes. "It is pretty impressive though, what happened."

His lips press together. "I guess."

Kayano smiles. "And the girl was okay?"

"I think so," he says honestly. "As okay as she can be. Seeing all of that..."

"I know," Kayano says solemnly.

And of course she does. He forgets, sometimes, with how positive Kayano can be. But she saw her own sister get speared at that age, and she didn't live to tell the tale. He just hopes the justice system will be enough for Watanabe, as opposed to physical modifications and deadly super abilities. At least he knows Kayano's fine nowadays.

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