Lesson Sixteen (everything but the kitchen sink)

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Nagisa can't stop glancing over at his phone.

Technically, he's still at work. So he shouldn't be doing this, not really. It's not like he has students around to see him, but it still feels like using his phone is very much in the range of 'not okay'. Maybe this is just his life now. Constantly on edge, just waiting to be contacted... What happened to quitting, exactly?

The school day's been over for a little while now, but there's a lot of side work he still needs to get done. Mostly it's just grading papers, but there's additional tasks like writing notes on everyone, coming up with something to say in his reports... not that it's hard to find nice things to say about his students! If anything, he's actually struggling to cut it down.

His phone finally and Nagisa clenches his fist, trying to will himself not to look at it.

He does anyway, of course, like he's parched for water or something. He hates himself every moment he does it, too. Ironically enough, it's not even a message from Karma. Although, that realisation makes him panic, since he's actually getting a video call from Kayano of all people. It's not that he doesn't want to talk to her, but it's a very different situation.

"H-hello?!" He scrambles.

Kayano's face beams at him through the screen. "Nagisa! Long time no see!" She falters. "Is this a bad time?"

"Oh, no," he takes a deep breath and gathers his thoughts. "Now's fine."

She peers deeper into the screen. "Are you sure? You look like you're in a classroom."

Admittedly, he'd forgotten about her phoning him. "It's fine, school already finished so I'm just catching up on a few bits of other work... it's not that interesting."

Kayano smiles softly. "I feel like you're even busier than I am sometimes."

"How's the new drama going?" He asks politely.

She nods a little. "Pretty good. Filming an ongoing series is definitely a lot different to movies. My mornings have been crazy recently, but at least I get some time off. Plus, it's easier than being based in a different country, as fun as it is to travel and see different places... They're talking about renewing the show for another season. I want to do it, but I think I might also be interested in something different soon... I'm rambling, aren't I?"

"No," Nagisa says genuinely. "That sounds great."

She grins. "So, have you actually watched it yet?"

"..." He half laughs as he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "I haven't had time to watch much TV lately..."

Kayano doesn't seem to mind at least. "You'll just have to binge it all when it's over! At least you'll have a break coming up soon, right?"

"Yeah," he affirms. "Not that I just get to do nothing, but it's a few days off, when the school year finally ends."

"Speaking of which, are you coming to the meet up this year?"

Nagisa hadn't skipped the last one... okay two... on purpose. It's hard to keep up with everything these days. But this year he's pretty sure he can make it! At least, he hopes. It's been far too long since he saw everyone, all in one place... Though, he'd almost considered never going again after what happened at the meet up the year all of them had turned 20, and thus drinking was totally legal. For real, Nagisa really should stay away from the alcohol.

"I think so," he says. "Did Isogai say if they're planning anything?"

Kayano shrugs. "Aside from cleaning up? I think someone was talking about an epic cops and robbers rematch. Karasuma san's coming this year, so we'll actually have a referee."

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