Lesson Nine (negotiations)

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Nagisa's not one for conspiracy theories, exactly. Definitely when he was younger, he used to be interested by them here or there, but after some of the crazy things he found people on the internet saying about Korosensei and his friends, after everything got out to the public, he wanted no association with those kinds of people. He doesn't, then, buy into the theories about government surveillance over his web activities. Mostly because he's experienced what being important enough for that is like first hand, and it doesn't really describe him anymore.

But, hypothetically, if there is someone watching over his web searches... he feels bad for what they're being exposed to.

His web browser has pages and pages of articles about this new world he seems to have entered. Sure, Nagisa's always known that kink stuff can't be that uncommon, but he never realised how big it actually is. There are some people, judging from the forums he's found himself browsing, who dedicate their lives to it. Nagisa's already considered buying a second notebook.

He feels uncomfortable with any video examples, at least. Even now, with actual sexual experience under his belt, he still finds porn uncomfortable. Not that he has a reason to watch it, aside from research purposes. But the more extreme stuff... it's hard to imagine how anyone actually enjoys this sort of thing. At the same time, though, reading doesn't put him off as much. Nagisa knows, then, that he has to face the reality that if he's really against this, he wouldn't have spent so long researching.

Karma: Are you still in the middle of your research?

Nagisa: Shouldn't you be at work?

Karma: You know

Karma: We still get lunch breaks

Karma: Even at the government

Karma: Even if they're not at lunch time

Karma: Shouldn't YOU be nurturing the minds of today's youth?

Nagisa: PE class break.

Karma: I thought so

Karma: tierlist.xlsx

Nagisa: Did you just send me an excel spreadsheet?

Admittedly, he's apprehensive about opening it up, but his students are in their PE lesson and there's nobody to see him do it. It's not like Karma would send him anything too bad, right? Sure enough, he's not affronted with anything graphic. It's... just a spreadsheet table? Except, it's actually pretty long. One side reads 'rank', and the other appears to be a list of... stuff

Nagisa: I don't really get it.

Karma: It's just a list of common fetishes

Karma: I have a copy too

Karma: It's so we're on the same page about the things we like

Karma: All you have to do is rank from one to five

Karma: One is something you'd never do, and five is something you really want to try

Nagisa's discovered contracts such as these during his research. Though, it seems like it's more associated with the hardcore stuff. Does Karma... mean he wants to do that? Scrolling through the list, Nagisa sees a mixture of things that seem pretty normal, stuff that almost makes his eyes pop out of his skull, and just... weird things.

Now that Nagisa understands what he's looking at, he feels a little more okay with it. Karma's probably experienced with this, since he has a whole document ready. From what Nagisa's already read, though, this kind of thing is often used to make sure the dominant isn't liable for any assault claims, if the submissive suddenly changes their mind after the fact. That, or just general consent. Nagisa's not sure how he feels about signing that away.

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