Lesson Six (fun with showers!)

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Nagisa feels like he's carrying some kind of dirty secret around with him all day. In all honesty, he doesn't have much of a reason to feel this way at all. It wouldn't be a big deal to anybody else. Nagisa's just overreacting and he knows it. At the very least, though, he manages to concentrate on his class in the morning, though around lunch time his nerves are clearly building.

Honestly, Nagisa usually just spends his lunch break in the classroom. It's not that he wants to avoid the other teachers or staff members, but most of the time he just doesn't have much of a reason to talk to them. Especially today, he's not sure his nervous energy is giving him the best mindset to hold an intelligent conversation.

A knock comes to his door though, and that makes him snap out of it.

At first, Nagisa's a little confused. He made it very clear to his students at the start of the year that they can come talk to him during break whenever they want. It took them a little time at first, but nowadays it's not unusual for someone to approach him during the lunch break with a question they were too shy to ask during class, or anything else they want to talk about. It's odd for them to wait for permission to enter, though.

"Come in?"

"I hope I'm not interrupting you, Shiota san."

Inoue Tsukasa is the resident PE teacher. Compared with the other staff members, he's admittedly one of the easiest going and friendliest. Nagisa definitely wouldn't consider him a friend, but it was a pretty good work relationship at least, and he didn't feel like he was just doing out of obligation when he'd greet him with a smile in the morning.

"Not at all," he says.

Inoue smiles, shutting the door behind him as he enters the classroom. "I actually wanted to ask you about one of your students. Why don't we eat lunch together and talk about it?"

His face turns white with realisation. "I can't eat lunch today."

"Huh?" Inoue's face morphs with confusion.

Nagisa splutters in the realisation of what he just said. "I-I! I'm on a diet?" That's a terrible excuse. "B-but you can still eat here, if you want."

Inoue frowns though. "Those fasting diets aren't particularly healthy, you know."

He laughs awkwardly, because it's better than explaining that his 'sex tutor' told him not to eat any big meals before sex, lest anything gross happen. Nagisa is actually pretty hungry, but it seems like a better option than anything else. The thought of it makes his face heat up, and he's actually a little glad that Inoue's here.

"Please," he says, "take a seat."

Inoue sits across from him, and pulls out a perfectly well balanced bento. "It's about Watanabe... Meiko, is it? She's not been the most active participant in PE the whole year... and some kids are just like that, you know? But recently she seems lethargic... more than usual. I get the feeling something happened."

Nagisa can't help but dive straight into his thoughts. He, too, has been worried about Watanabe for some time. Where most people in his class have made friends by now, he's never seen her really interact with anyone else, outside of when there's partner work. It's a shame, too, because she's definitely intelligent. But every time he's tried to encourage her, it doesn't seem to get through to her. If she's acting worse than usual, however...

"I'll try to talk to her again," he resolves. "Out of all my students... she's the toughest. I can't say I much about her either."

He nods. "It's tough, trying to get to know all your students. I guess I should give you advice or something, but I haven't been a teacher much longer than you."

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