Twenty Four (old wounds)

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Kayano: Are you and Karma definitely coming to the meet up this year?

Nagisa: I am. You'll have to ask Karma himself.

Kayano: Did something happen???

Nagisa has no desire to respond to his friend's message. Honestly, it'll feel worse if he tries to unpack it himself. The only reason he's even going to the meet up at this point is he's literally going stir crazy at home at this point. Wallowing in his own misery, perhaps? Whatever the case, he needs a distraction. And it'll be good to see his friends!

As for Karma, he doesn't even know anymore.

Admittedly, now he's less upset about his audacity in the situation, Nagisa really wants to know why Karma showed up at his place. It's clear he changed his mind, about what he originally wanted to say. What even was that? Despite his text, Nagisa hasn't asked him yet. He hasn't actually said anything.

Maybe he's just frightened.

He wishes it was simple, that he could just be happy. Tsukasa's a super nice guy, for example! He's sure Sugino would specifically be over the moon about it. But... Nagisa's had more than enough time to think about it in near isolation. He's super nice, and sweet, and good in every way... but Nagisa doesn't like him like that. Maybe he could learn to, but that's not exactly right, is it?

Their old class group chat has seen a lot of activity recently, at least, as everyone shares their travel plans. Some people are meeting up first, to spend more time together. Nagisa will be coming alone, though, just like every other year. And he's okay with that, really! It doesn't matter when he has to see everyone in the end.

When he wakes up on the day, though, he does admittedly feel a bit sick.

Everyone gets nerves before entering a social situation, right? There's nothing weird about his minor panic. It's been a while since he's seen most of them, anyway! And a while since he's been back to the building. Not that he has many particularly negative associations with the place. He's looking forward to taking it all in again, actually.

Eventually he finds himself on the train, staring out of the window. There's actually a few free seats for once, but he doesn't take any of them. Weirdly enough, he's happy to just stand there. It's weirdly hypnotic, as he watches the buildings go by, which eventually thin out as they pass the outskirts of Kunugigaoka, which is more mountainous. It's just a brief change onto the train he used to take to school, and then he's there.

Even after all this time, it still feels fresh.

They also haven't made traversing the mountain much easier. Then again, considering everyone owns the mountain, that's kind of their own fault. It would feel weird to add a ropeway anyway, after getting so used to the effort of climbing it. Besides, after a year, everyone managed to learn a few short cuts. Even if it does make Nagisa realise he's a little out of shape...

He still makes it early, though, if Kayano's dark head is anything to go by.

"Hey," she looks over her shoulder, from where she was facing the building. "Oh, Nagisa."

Oh no.

"I-I got distracted!"

"Hmph," she folds her arms. "Don't think you're getting out of it. And you can't just leave me on read!"

He looks down, genuine guilt rushing through him. "I'm sorry."

"Do we hate him?"


Kayano just leans closer, a slightly wild look in her eyes. "I'd like to say I don't pick sides, but the truth is I definitely do and I'm definitely on yours – if you want me to be."

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