Lesson One (the condom conundrum)

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"What do you mean, you don't know how to use a condom?"

Nagisa wrinkles his nose. "You promised you wouldn't laugh-"

Karma responds by holding up a single finger. "I never said such a thing. But, you're twenty three."

"So?" Nagisa tries. "I was... busy..."

"Have you even kissed anyone since the Kayano thing?"


"Wow," it roles surprisingly drying from his tongue.

And then Nagisa thinks of an excellent point. "Don't act so surprised. It's not like we ever talk about this kind of stuff."

Karma takes a swig from his Asahi Dry, which makes an audible clatter as he slams it down on top of the kotatsu. "So let me get this straight; you have to teach sex ed to a bunch of hormonal teenagers, when you, in fact, have no experience in that field. Yeah, you seem pretty screwed to me."

"Thanks," Nagisa mutters, pushing his own can in front of him. He'd be tempted to drink more, given the circumstances, but at the solid age of twenty three he's learnt his limits. He knows that it only takes one gulp too much for their weekly meet up to end up with Nagisa passed out, and with Karma practically carrying him to the closest metro station to throw him onto the last train home.

"What'cha gonna do about it?"

Nagisa sighs. "My current plan was to find a good YouTube tutorial."

Perhaps it's the alcohol, but Karma actually starts letting out an unsettling mixture of a snort and a giggle. "Next thing I know, you'll say you've never even seen a condom."


"For real?" He takes another swig. "Wait there."

He blinks, when Karma just stands up and leaves him there. Karma has a very important job, as he likes to remind Nagisa with his constant whining about his co-workers. Such a job requires living right in Tokyo, lest he deal with a two hour commute either way. He makes an almost hilarious salary compared with Nagisa, but even on that, his apartment isn't particularly big. Though, the fact that he has a whole separate room for his bed makes Nagisa slightly jealous, and is largely why their meetings take place here, rather than at Nagisa's place. Back in university, it used to be whatever random izakaya took their fancy, but admittedly Nagisa preferred it with just the two of them.

"Catch," Karma calls, when he emerges from his bedroom, and goes into an overarm throw.

Like instinct, Nagisa does. Years of friendship with Sugino have given Nagisa pretty good hand eye coordination when it comes to objects being hurtled towards his face. But, said object was a lot smaller than a baseball. Nagisa peered between his fingers at the small square object, realising after a moment that it was indeed a condom. Like a hot potato, he dropped it, and it landed right in the centre of the kotatsu.

"Oh come on," he says, "it won't kill you."

Nagisa forces himself to take a moment. Because Karma's right, and if he absolutely has to demonstrate the act of condom use in front of an audience, it would be very helpful if he was able to actually hold one first. Though, fortunately enough for him, none of his students were as devious and sadistic as Karma.

"What do you expect me to do with it?"

Karma raises his eyebrows. "What, you want me to get a cucumber or something? I don't just have one lying around in the fridge."

Admittedly, he splutters.

"Okay, cherry boy, I get it."

Unfortunately for him, Nagisa ends up living up to the name, flushing wildly. It's not that he has a particular aversion to sex, he's just never seen the appeal of meaningless hook-ups. He's heard plenty from Nakamura already, all about her foreign escapades, and that's almost enough for a life time. And, well, Nagisa hasn't ever really been interested in dating anyone either. It was all about studying through high school and university, his eyes set firmly ahead of him, and now his biggest concern is grading his student's papers.

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