Lesson Thirteen (on the edge)

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Sometimes, sex feels like a hurricane. Being tossed about, not knowing quite where he'll end up. He likes the unpredictable nature of it, his stomach tight with anticipation, yet full of what can only be described as butterflies.

They'd ended up like that, somehow. Not that they're even undressed yet. Usually, that's the first thing that happens, but they'd been so distracted by the kissing that they ended up on the bed. Somehow, Nagisa doesn't even care. It doesn't even feel like sex is on the horizon at all, if he's honest. But he's content with the making out. Even though what they're doing... more constitutes play wrestling.

For once, Nagisa's actually fighting back against Karma's half-hearted pins. He's not making it too difficult to break free at all, his legs strong enough to get leverage and flip them both over. Like that, they've been exchanging the position and rolling over each other quite frequently, all the while trying to maintain the kiss. It ends in a lot of slightly uncomfortable mouth smashing, which has mostly caused them to giggle through it too.

"Karma," he sighs, pushing against his chest as he plants his lips on his neck. "I said no to that."

"I'm not giving you a hickey," Karma mutters against his skin.

Then, like the mature man he is, he moves up and essentially blows a raspberry against his cheek.

Nagisa twists away immediately. "Karma!"

"You said stop so I stopped," he says with fake innocence.

He shoves against his shoulder and tries his best to actually mean it. Karma just laughs even harder at him, though. Yeah, okay, Nagisa doesn't stand much chance of actually moving him, but... It's not funny! Is Karma aware of how annoying he actually is? Nagisa would probably go with yes, for that assessment, but even then surely there's a line.

"Nagisa~" He pokes him in the cheek. "What's with the look?"

"I'm not giving you any looks."

Ever dramatic, Karma lets out a deep sigh. "You're doing the squinty eye thing."

Too much talking. "Just... take your shirt off."

He cracks a smile. "Don't objectify me."

"I wasn't-"

Karma kisses him again and he forgets. Sometimes, Nagisa just likes him better shirtless. That's all. There's nothing wrong with it. He's pretty sure Karma likes Karma better shirtless too honestly. Funnily enough, though, Karma doesn't actually remove the shirt at all, pretty much leaving it to Nagisa to grasp at the hem and tug it up. It's easier said than done, when he's so distracted by the kisses and the weight of him lying between his legs.

Then, all of a sudden, comes an obnoxiously loud jingle.

"Oh," Karma pulls away. "Food."

The thing is, Nagisa was there when he ordered it. He'd known that food was coming. And yet, he can't help but feel completely irritated with its arrival. They were just in the middle of something! He's sporting a semi and everything! Nowadays, Nagisa's talent for just ignoring erections until they go away is weakened. His body is just so used to actually dealing with it.

He drags himself up when he hears the door close, at least, straightening out his clothes. Looking quickly in the mirror, too, he smooths down his hair, sighing as there's nothing he can really do to fix his swollen lips. He stares his reflection in the eye and takes a deep breath, with some vague hope that will quell the horniness. For now, at least.

Karma seems unbothered, rubbing the cheap disposable chopsticks that came with the meal together. Apparently he couldn't be bothered to cook, that day, but Nagisa can't be disappointed when sushi's the replacement. And it's good sushi, too, not just from a chain. As much as Nagisa loves rotary sushi bars, there's also definitely a place in his heart for other styles.

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