Lesson Five (feeling)

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Nagisa's eyes focus on the ceiling.

Karma's apartment is pretty standard, so it's really nothing special. He kind of wishes that there was texture there, or something to keep his mind distracted. Instead, it's just solid white, but it'll do for now. The thing is, Nagisa's worried that if he actually concentrates, everything will start to feel too good. It's already started to be an issue for him.

Currently, Karma's lips trace his stomach, and his hand runs along his right shin. He tries not to squirm, but it tickles a little. He just keeps going lower and lower, and a part of Nagisa wonders if he intends to eat him whole. Karma's face is obscured by his hair, but every now and then, as he twists his neck, Nagisa catches a self satisfied smirk on his face.

This lesson had seemed simple enough, when Karma suggested it. It's his belief that you should make an effort to learn where your partner's the most sensitive, if you intend on being with them more than just once. He and Karma have long since passed that threshold. Nagisa supposes he's been doing that anyway, paying attention to the things Karma likes, but never specifically.

"Hah," he lets out, when Karma's teeth scrape against his hip bones.

Nagisa's learning a lot about his own body too. The first is that he likes teeth all over, apparently. He's embarrassed by that, the idea of having a 'fetish' or something, but if anything it just seems to spur Karma on. His teeth remain in location, but he closes his lips around the area and sucks. Nagisa doesn't mind the sensation, though it's not the most sensitive for him.

He hadn't realised just how complicated bodies could be. He'd freaked out a little earlier, when Karma started to play with his chest. Nagisa had wrinkled his nose at it, because he's not a girl, even though Karma insisted it could feel good regardless. It had just felt a little uncomfortable, really, and Nagisa's still not sure about it. Maybe he's being too in his head. But everything else feels a combination of good and great.

Though he doesn't consciously mean to, he ends up spreading his legs a little as Karma shuffles lower, giving him more room. Predictably, Karma decides to ignore his now straining erection all together, paying far more attention to his thighs. Nagisa didn't realise, before this, that his legs of all things would be a sensitive place for him. But Karma's lips suck against his inner thigh, and he can practically feel warm blood rushing southwards.

Karma has to pin him down somewhat, because the squirming is getting worse. Embarrassingly, Nagisa doesn't actually mind the feeling of his strong hands holding him down on the mattress. The pressure is kind of nice, and though he knows he doesn't exactly want to be bossed around, there's a part of him that likes being told what to do.

"Do you want to turn over?" It's a gentle question, at least.

Nagisa hesitates though. He really does trust Karma with his body, he knows that, but he still feels shy. At least facing each other, Nagisa can keep an eye on what Karma's doing. Behind him, though, Nagisa really is handing himself over. A thrill does go through him, though. He shakes as he does it, but he turns over onto his hands and knees.

Immediately it feels weird, certainly exposed. Karma doesn't hesitate though, and leans over him, lips on the back of his neck. As it turns out, his back actually is pretty sensitive. Nagisa arches into it, as his hands rake down his spine, but it still feels a little weird. Although he's definitely a little uncomfortable, it's not so bad that he needs to stop, so he tries to stick with it.

Karma's hands run from down his spine, and then unashamedly squeeze his ass. Nagisa tenses a little, unsure of what he's going to do, though he trusts that Karma wouldn't just spring something on him. He's cautious, at least, as his hands move around the area. Nagisa relaxes after a little while, and whilst it doesn't feel amazing, he can't say it's bad either.

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