Lesson Two (normalcy and teeth fetish)

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The train at seven AM. Back when he was a school student, even in a relatively large town like Kunugigaoka, it wasn't so bad in the direction he took. But this is properly Tokyo now, and millions have jobs to get to. It was easy to get used to, even if Nagisa doesn't particularly enjoy being squashed up against others, he can at least slide his headphones in and try and ignore it until his station.

It's the same deal every day. He awkwardly pushes to the front of the train crowd at Hashima station, rushes up the escalator even though he's not running late, and scans his commuter pass through the ticket gate. He catches a glimpse of his remaining total as he walks through, and mentally reminds himself to charge up his IC card after work. From there, his school is about a ten minute walk, which usually gives him plenty of time to internally go through the day's lesson plans one last time.

Only, this morning the only thing he can think about is Karma's hands on him. It's ridiculous and he knows it. It had only been (shamefully) about five minutes of his life, yet there it is playing in this constant feedback loop. If Nagisa could yank the memory right out of his head... But he can't. How's he even going to look Karma in the eyes again?

"Morning, Shiota san," one of the receptionists says, as he writes himself in.

He lowers his head respectfully. "Good morning, Yoneda san. How was your weekend hike?"

"Quite tiring," she smiled kindly, "my husband's crazy, for insisting we climb all the way to the summit every other weekend. Gets the kids out of the house, though."

Nagisa used to climb a mountain every day for class, but he just smiles and laughs. It's nothing like Kunugigaoka, but it's not like there's no green space in Tokyo, most of it left wild enough that it gives the impression of actually being real. Still, Yoneda's one of those few people who actually grew up in the city, so it must feel like an actual escape for her. Maybe Nagisa should visit home one of these weekends...

He just nods again, and goes on to his classroom. His experience at Paradise High School was interesting, and he's proud of what he managed to achieve there. But, that was only to complete his degree. Although he'd been offered a permanent position, Nagisa ended up looking elsewhere. At the moment, he teaches the first year class at Heibon Junior High, and whilst it's easier than a bunch of unruly seventeen year olds, it presents its own challenges.

"Morning, Watanabe san," Nagisa greeted the girl already in her seat. The others... they all show up as close to the morning bell as they push it.

She attempts a smile. "Morning, Nagisa Sensei."

"Interesting book today?"

She looks up at him from behind it, and shrugs.

He's trying to get through to her, it just might take him a little while. Honestly, Nagisa's a little bothered by it, since the winter break is rapidly approaching. But there's still time, and she's still young. As it turns out, trying to build any kind of trust with a twelve year old is incredibly difficult. It's a difficult jump, starting junior high.

Nagisa doesn't mind her being here so early, at least, and he thinks Watanabe appreciates that. He just sits down at his own desk and sorts out the things he has to. The papers he graded, homework to hand out, parts of his lesson plans... it's good to be organised. He extends a smile and a welcome to each one of his other students, as they filter in, chatting excitedly behind their desks about their exciting weekends.

"Good morning, everyone," Nagisa stands up properly, "let's start today's class."

Nagisa's classes have a general routine, too. He starts the morning with roll call (everyone's here today), then he moves onto the first lesson, whatever subject that may be. And classes proceed happily until lunch break, where his students all run off to the school cafeteria (this place is lucky enough to have one of those), and Nagisa takes a bit of the alone time to check on his afternoon lessons.

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