Lesson Nineteen (field trip)

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Nagisa can't help but feel like curling up into himself slightly. He's not fully sure why, other than some basic nerves, but he keeps shifting around in his seat. Beside him, Karma's looking at something or other on his phone. Nagisa's almost curious to ask him if it's interesting, but he decides not to.

He honestly hadn't expected this trip thing to even happen.

Karma had recovered, of course, and it really was looking like some sort of stress thing. He'd thanked Nagisa for the soup, but nothing else in particular. Not that Nagisa needs any grand gesture! Perhaps he was a little embarrassed about the whole situation... Karma had, though, taken his agreement to this whole heartedly, and it would have been the worst if he backed out. Plus... it could possible help with the stress...

So that's how Nagisa ended up on a train to some romantic getaway thing the day before Valentines Day. It's just situational though... he knows that. The entire reason this trip existed was to take advantage of day, it just happened to get interrupted by adulteries and babies. And why wouldn't Karma snap up the free fancy trip offer anyway? It's not like any of this was ever planned... but still.

Weirdly enough, Nagisa's horniness is getting him through this. Since the sickness incident, they haven't had sex for two weeks. Nagisa managed to go 24 years without caring about sex, but now he can't handle even a week without it apparently? It was bad enough that he... semi initiated a barrage of incredibly inappropriate messages mid-week, the log of which he'd had to delete the instant it was over for his own sanity. Unfortunately, it had only been a temporary fix.

Is there something appealing about getting the whole weekend to make up for lost time? Absolutely. It's appealing another to almost entirely drown out the other thoughts he has, anyway. When did he become the kind of guy to think entirely with his dick? Nagisa has no clue. It's like he skipped over a whole part of puberty and now it's sneak attacking him twice as hard.

Karma's leg presses against his for a moment and Nagisa's breath hitches. He forcefully shakes his head after that, trying to think of anything else. A train is not the place to be getting turned on, especially with Karma. Karma might legitimately try and drag him to the bathroom or something and Nagisa would probably end up just letting him and... nope. That train of thought isn't helping the situation.


Nagisa jumps, his face burning up. Way to make things even worse?! But then he sees that Karma is merely eating from a packet of M&Ms, he's not talking about Valentines chocolate. "Thanks."

He doesn't know why he's being like this. Even though it's embarrassing to admit... he was kind of excited for Christmas Eve. That's just as romantic as Valentines Day. And that time he'd specifically arranged something with Karma, unlike now, where events just happened to fall into place like this. So what's the big deal here?

He wasn't fully aware of the way he felt back then, he supposes. There's always hindsight, but he knows he hadn't processed those... feelings yet. At least not fully. Now it's like he has to question everything. It also feels like he's somehow taking advantage of a situation. He's playing into some kind of fantasy that plainly doesn't exist.

Nagisa's stupid, idiotic feelings... they'd probably get a whole kick out of this thing happening on purpose. As if Karma would actually, legitimately take him to some fancy hotel for Valentines Day. They'd probably love it. But no matter how much Nagisa tries to shove all of that down, it keeps springing back up again. So it's a bad idea to just let it happen.

But, again, horniness has replaced his logical reasoning nowadays.

It's not entirely his fault, right? It's Karma who keeps putting them in these situations. He's the one who had to be all 'not into relationships', even though Nagisa's pretty sure whatever they are isn't really just a hook up thing. Talk about mixed messages! Though, Nagisa still doesn't know how any of this works. The 'signs' to tell if someone likes him...

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