Lesson Fourteen (what's a little pain?)

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Nagisa's in big trouble.

That's what he thinks, anyway, when he's hit in the head by a baseball. It's not like they're doing serious practise, times have changes since Junior High and he and Sugino are worlds apart when it comes to their athletic abilities. So, Nagisa's probably not concussed from the impact, even though it knocks him back a little and his head's sore.

"Nagisa! Are you okay?!"

No. No he's not okay. And there's no way to explain that to Sugino, not really. Nagisa's never really been a gossip to begin with, admittedly, least of all about his own life. But there's also the factor how utterly illogical and stupid and bad everything is. Maybe Sugino wouldn't openly judge him for it, but that doesn't mean he won't look at him like he's an idiot. Which Nagisa is fully aware he is.

Honestly, that's the entire reason he's spending his Saturday hanging out with Sugino, rather than seeing Karma. Not that he's avoiding him... actively anyway. Truthfully, he doesn't know how he'll react the next time he sees him. It's not like he'll swoon on sight or anything, right? Nagisa's not the swooning type.

"I'm fine," he says, rubbing the back of his head. "It's my fault for not paying attention."

Sugino tilts his head. "Do you want to take a break?"

Nagisa hesitates for a moment. Maybe smashing baseballs around is actually a pretty good coping strategy for how he feels. But... maybe it's better to avoid any further injuries. Besides, it's still early in the day, which means plenty of time for more baseball. Nagisa would have felt bad, since it's the one time of the year Sugino doesn't really have to think about the game, but he clearly loves it so much.

They end up sitting down on the edge of a wall, not talking about much at all. Nagisa enjoys it, honestly. He's known Sugino for long enough that it's not uncomfortable to go a little while without speaking. He really likes how uncomplicated any part of this feels. Considering what the last

He really needs to stop thinking about Karma.

"I was surprised you suddenly wanted to hang out," Sugino says.

Nagisa looks down. "Sorry for springing it on you."

Sugino just waves him off. "Not at all. It's just... No offence, but you're not usually that proactive. Everyone's surprised if you even read the 3E group chat nowadays."

"I've been a little busy..." he admits.

"You mean hanging out with Karma so much?"

He tenses.

Sugino's look grows even stranger. "I didn't say that was a bad thing."

If Sugino wasn't such an honest person, Nagisa would have doubted that. Sugino's never been his biggest fan. It doesn't matter, he's learnt to except. It's not like everyone has to get along. After their shared experience, it's kind of hard for anyone in 3E to dislike another member. And over time, Sugino and Karma were peaceful with each other if they were hanging out with Nagisa. But there's a difference between that and actively liking each other.

"I meant with work, mostly."

"You're coming to the meetup this year though, right?"

Nagisa bites the side of his lip. "P-probably."

"Karma too?"

He feels weird all of a sudden. "I don't really know his plans."

"It's okay to be close friends," Sugino says then, tone patient. "We're not in Junior High anymore. Do I understand that guy? No. But, I can't really judge him. Or you, for being close to him."

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