Lesson Eighteen (class cancellation)

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"Nagisa Sensei?"

Nagisa lowers his book, looking at his student. "Are you alright?"

Watanabe's face screws up as she looks down at the paper in front of her. "I'm kind of confused."

Called to action, he gets up, sliding into the empty desk beside her. "Hit me."

She looks at him. "This whole 'transience of beauty' thing. I don't get it. Like, I understand what it means. But why do people... like it?"

"Well..." Nagisa thinks for a moment. "I think it's complicated. You know how special it feels when the cherry blossoms are out?" She nods. "Imagine if they were always like that. They wouldn't really be so special anymore, right? The part that makes things like that stand out to us is the fact that it only happens for a short amount of time. In fact, it's usually the shortest things, whether that's an object or an experience, that leave the biggest impressions."

"I think it's better when things last," she shrugs.

He gets that. "It's a balancing act, really. When things are just normal... some people would say that makes them less."

Watanabe shakes her head. "Those people are stupid, then. If you can't see how good normal actually is."

"Maybe I should make you write an essay about it," he jokes.

Something about her words strikes a bit of concern in him, though. Nagisa suddenly feels unsure... although it's been quite some time since he was thirteen, he knows that kids that age sometimes speak with a certain dark depth because they think it makes them cool or something. But he's not sure that's quite what's going on with her. It's not quite bloodlust in her eyes... but something else sinister.

He knocks himself out of it. She's barely even a teenager. She's probably just saying things. And yet... Nagisa finds himself tuning into his senses properly anyway. It's something he's learnt quite a lot of control for, over the years. He can ignore it when he wants to, but other times, if he really focuses... There's no malicious intent that he can read from her, at least, but there is something unsettling there.

"Death isn't beautiful," she says.

Nagisa blinks, and he remembers exactly where he is. "I'd have to agree with you there."

He lets her get back on with her work, but rather than resuming his book, he ends up observing her. There's just something chilling. As though she's not just thinking, she's speaking from experience. But in what way? Nagisa really can't be sure. Maybe it relates to her incident a little while ago, the reason she's even skipping out on PE.

"Watanabe san," he says with a sudden burst of conviction. "I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything you like. And I know how that must sound," he winces, "but I really do mean it. No matter what it is, I've definitely seen worse, and I can be a good listener sometimes."

She stares at him for a moment. "Alright."

But it's not enough. He scribbles down his phone number, and hands it over to her. "I mean it. But this is only in emergencies."

There's something not quite right about this, he knows that, but this is what his instincts are telling him. There's only so much he, a mere human, is capable of. As always, his mind drifts to Korosensei. Flying at Mach 20 had a few benefits, and that included being able to help him when he really needed it. Nagisa can't travel at such speeds at every hour of the day... but at least he can do this. Even if he knows it's very much against protocol, there's this feeling in his gut.

The bell rings, though.

By the time the rest of the day has passed, the whole thing migrates somewhat to the back of his mind. After then it's home briefly, a quick shower, and then heading out the door again. Nagisa can't say he minds this routine, though. He feels like maybe he should, all things considered, but really, when it comes down to it...

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