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6| Family

Nobody's POV
May 17

Today Beyoncé and Nicki's mom came over to their house, along with Solange, Kelly, and Lauren.

"Our family is coming over to see you." Beyoncé told her.

"Oh okay." She nodded and the doorbell rang. Bey went to go open the door and Nicki went to go sit on the couch.

"Hi, Bey."

"Hey, guys. Come in, I think she's in the living room." She closed the door after they walked in.

"Hi, Nicki." They said at the same time.

"Hi." She got up and hugged them one by one. They sat back on the couch and Nicki looked at them. Her eyes stopped at Lauren.

"I think I remember you guys. Especially you, you ran out. I'm sorry I called you weird." She admitted and Lauren looked at Bey confused about how she remembered her.

"After you ran out, the doctor told us that Nicki's amnesia is very rare in certain patients. She said that in most patients they won't remember what happened today, tomorrow, the next day, or the day after that. But she can remember something you told her or something that happened after a couple of days."

"Ohhh, so that's why she remembers me?"


"Well, if you don't remember me I'm your mother." Bey left to go and get the kids.

"Hi, mommy."

"Hi, baby." Carol said while her voice cracked.

"Aww, mommy don't cry." She said sitting next to her mom and hugging her.

"I'm okay." She said wiping her tears away.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." She said and Nicki looked at Solange and Lauren.

"Do you guys have kids?"

"Yeah, I have two sons." Lauren answered.

"Yeah, I have a son."

"May I see a picture of them?"

"Sure." Solange pulled out her phone and showed Nicki a picture of Julez.

"Aww, he's so cute."

"Thank you." Next Lauren pulled out her phone and showed Nicki a picture of her sons.

"They're so cute."


"Hi, aunties, Mama T, and Mama Carol." The kids said as they came down the stairs with Beyoncé not too far behind them.


They all sat on the couch and talked amongst each other.


After an hour or two, the family left and they decided to watch some home videos from when the kids were younger.

"What's this one?" Nicki asked as Beyoncé put the tape inside the VCR.

"It's me teaching Blue how to ride a bike without training wheels." She sat back on the couch and Nicki laid her head on her chest.

"Mommy don't let go." You could hear a 5-year-old Blue say. She had on a helmet, knee, and elbow pads because Nicki didn't want her to get hurt.

"I won't."

"You promise?" She asked holding out her pinky.


"Say 'I promise' Bey." Nicki said behind the camera.

"I promise Lefty." She spoke locking pinkies with her daughter.

"Okay, good."

"Is the seat too high for you?" Beyoncé asked and she shook her head no.

"Keep looking forward and don't look down. Do you remember when I taught you how to pedal and brake yesterday?"

"Mmhmm." She nodded.

"I'm going to be right behind you. I'm gonna give you a little push."

"Okay, and DON'T LET GO." Blue said waving her finger in her face making them chuckle.

"Alright." She gave her a little push and Blue started pedaling.

"Good job baby." Nicki said.

"I'm doing it." She said looking back at her parents.

"Look forward." Bey told her before letting go.

"Bey, why would you let go?" Nicki mumbled so that Blue wouldn't hear. There was a bush ahead and she was going straight for it.

"Blue you have to turn!"

"How do you do that?!"

"Bey, did you not teach her how to turn yesterday?" Nicki asked still recording.

"I thought I did." Just then she crashed right into the bush.

"AHHHHH!" Blue yelled in pain. Nicki dropped the camera and they both rushed to her side. Celeste picked up the camera and faced it towards her.

"This is why you let momma teach you how to ride a bike. It saves you the cuts, bruises, and trust issues." She giggled and continued to speak.

"Also Zaé if you are watching this when you get out of momma's belly..." She panned the camera to Beyoncé and Nicki helping Blue get out of the bush. You could see Nicki's growing belly.

"Don't let mommy teach you how to do anything that momma can teach you without you getting hurt." She said before the video cut off.

Once the video was over Zaé when into the box and looked for another one to play.

"What's this one mommy?"

"I don't know baby, read what it says."

"It says 'Honeymoon part 1'." Beyoncé's eyes went wide and she grabbed the tape from Zaé's hand.

"Oh my goodness y'all are so nasty." Celeste said catching the drift.

"What video is that?" Nicki asked cluelessly. Beyoncé walked over to her and whispered in her ear.

"Oh, yeah we can't watch that." Nicki blushed. Blue picked a video titled "Celeste's first steps". She put the video in the recorder as they sat back and watched it.

The video opened up with Celeste standing while holding the table.


"You ain't got no daddy. You have two mommies." Bey said and Nicki laughed.


"Yes, I'm mama. Are you gonna walk to mama?" Baby Celeste let go of the table and held her hands in the air.

"Yes, baby you can do it." Nicki coached her. She took Celeste's stuff bunny and held it.

"Come get bun bun."

"Bun bun!"

"Yes come get her princess." Celeste took a step but fell onto the floor. She began to cry.

"It's okay baby, you can do it. Come get bun bun."

Celeste stood up again and lifted her foot. She put it in front of the other and before they knew it she was walking.

"Bun bun!" She said grabbing the bunny from Nicki's hand.

"Oh my gosh, Nic did you see her?!" Bey asked excitedly. She couldn't believe that her daughter took her first steps.

"Yes, I did baby."

They spent the rest of the evening watching home videos and looking at pictures.


•Excuse any typos 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽

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