Chapter 2 "A sweetheart"

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The fire were crackling as the night went on. It was nice outside, not to hot nor warm. Music playing from the radio that'd come up the box a few months ago. All the boys were laughing, drinking and fighting. Just having a good time.
Newt and the greenie was talking. Newt made sure he knew the rules, jobs and the things he was allowed to tell. He was starting to get bored of the questions. They were alot about making it out of there and the maze. But suddenly the greenie fell quiet. Newt furrowed his brows and looked over at the dark haired boy.
"Who's that?" He pointed towards a girl. She sat a bit away from the fire, leaning against a tree. Book in hand.
"That my friend is (y/n)" Newt smiled as he looked over to you.
"She's... wow stunning!" The greenie breathed as he looked ta you. Newt rolled his eyes and smiled.
"Trust me greenie, I've noticed. But she's more than just her looks, she's a sweetheart really." Newt smiled and turned back so he wasn't looking at you anymore. But when he noticed the greenie not turning back he chuckled.
"You know, it's not nice to stare." Newt watched as the greenie turned back to him.
"I was just interested in why she's the only girl I've seen around here." He muttered to Newt.
"Why don't you ask her yourself. HEY (Y/N) COME HERE!" Newt turned and called for you. You looked duplicate from your book and nodded.

You stood up, closing your book. You smiled brightly as you made your way over to the two. The greenie had a heard time not starring, Newt wanted to but he knew it wasn't very appropriate.
"Hello boys!" You smiled as you stopped by the two.
"Hey!" The two of them smiled at you.
"So you're the new greenie? I was gonna go find you, sorry I didn't meet you erlier." You said apologetically. The boy only smiled.
"It's fine, what are you reading anyway?" He asked curiously as he pointed to your book.
"It's called Alice in Wonderland! I got it today with the box." You held it out and showed the two.
"Why weren't you by the box erlier?" Newt cocked an eyebrow at you. You smiled innocently.
"I was with the baby goat... but don't blame me, you and Alby said I could keep him!" You pointed out. Newt laughed. You sat down on between the two, on the log they sat against.
"So greenie, heard you and Gally got a rough start?" You looked over to Gally who was fighting another glader. The dark haired boy sighed. You stifled your laughter.
"I don't know what his problem is!" He looked at you, you absent-mindedly had started to play with Newt's hair a bit.
"He saved your life today, you should be thankful." Newt looked at the boy and then glancing up a you, a smile making it's way to his lips. You pulled a face, as Gally almost never was that 'mean' to you.
"He's never been like that to me." You told the two.

"Maybe because you're a sweetheart." The greenie told you. You stopped playing with Newt's hair and turned to the boy.
"Yea that's what Newt said." The boy looked at Newt. A smile creept onto your face. You looked at Newt who had stiffened up, not saying a word. He took another sip of his drink.
"Thanks for that compliment blondie!" You kissed Newt's cheek and stood up. The greenie laughed at Newt who's eyes went wide with surprise at your action. Aa you started to walk away Newt grabbed your wrist.
"Whoa, where are you going?" He looks up at you.
"Minho, I haven't seen him all day!" You looked over the fire to see Minho eating his food. Newt nodded and let you go. Watching as you walked away.
"Buddy, it's not nice to stare." The greneie smirked at Newt as he turned back. Newt let out a sigh.
"She's just not a friend to you if I'm right?" The boy then realized. Newt nodded.
"She's not, but enough of that now." Newt then started telling him about the diffrent jobs round the glade.

You walked past the circle where some of the boys were fighting. You smiled and greeted all the boys as you passed them. When you came up to the runners Minho noticed. He put his food down.
"Minho, you didn't wake me this morning!" Wacked him I the shoulder as you stood next to him.
"What? You have to get your beauty sleep right?" He joked with you. You sat down on the ground, Minho moving so he sat next to you on the ground.
"How did the run go?
"Like usual, not much new..." He sighed. You knew that there was nothing new to map, he'd told you himself that he'd been to evey square inch of the maze.
"I know that face." You told him and bumped his shoulder. He looked at the ground delaying annoyed.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" He tried to convince you.
"Don't even try, you know you want a hug." You sat yourself up on your knees and held out your arms. He sighed at you. Wrapping his arms around you. Pulling you in close. You felt him relax, it was usual that Minho was stressed or felt bad after being in the maze. As he was lying when he said he'd not been to all of the maze or that there was a way out. Minho then fell backwards on purpose.
"Minho are you serious you slinthead!" You exclaimed as you fell down with him. He only laughed and you soon joined in.

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