Chapter 3 "The boy voice"

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You sat on the ground in the garden. Keeping Newt company as you had no work to do in the med-jack. Erlier you and Alby showed Thomas the wall. He'd put his name on it, and after you'd gone and said bye to Ben and Minho before they went into the maze. You didn't feel like yourself today. You were instead of being bubbly and talkative you were quiet and felt conflicted.
"Come on (y/n) show me a trick!" You heard someone say, the voice sounded familiar but it matched none of the boys around here.
"The others are waiting, let's go!" You looked around confused as the voice one again spoke. You furrowed your brows as you sat back again.
"Are you okey (y/n)?" Thomas then asks you. You look over to him, Newt and Zart also looking at you concerned.
"Did any if you ask me to show a trick?" You looked at the three of them.
"We didn't greenie beanie.." Newt sat down his shovel and walked over to you. He'd never seen you so conflicted and distressed as you were right now.
"You don't seem fine.." Newt kneeled down in front of you and moved some of you hair put the way. You sighed and hugged Minho's hoodie closer as you rested your chin in your knees.

Newt looked over at Thomas who looked concerned. Zart had gone to do some other work. Newt turned back to you as you wiped your head to your left upon hearing a voice. But Newt didn't.
"What is it?" Newt asked you. You shook your head.
"It's probably just my body telling me I didn't sleep good enough." You smiled a littel at Newt. He nodded and stood up. Pulling you up with him.
"If you don't have any work, then you can just help the two of us." He smiled smugly at you, your eyes widened and you pulled back.
"Nope, not happening! I'm not good at gardening!" You backed up. Newt and Thomas laughed at you. Newt smirked and grabbed a hold if you with one arm.
"If you don't help I'll make sure Alby won't let you keep that baby goat of yours." He told you as you had your back against his chest. You gasped and tried to move put his grip.
"Choose wisely (y/n)!" Thomas said in the background. You groaned, Newt took the hint that you'd given in and released you. You walked over and started fix with some of the vines as Zart came back and helped you.

You put up your hair in a ponytail as it was in the way. Newt watched as you started to get to work. You didn't notice him looking but Zart did, he stifled a luaghter at Newt. In his eyes Newt was a lost case at keeping his eyes of you. But what surprised him more was how oblivious you were to Minho and Newt liking you. You turned to go to the other side and fist those vines when the voice spoke again.
"Why are you ignoring me?"
"What do you mean, you're not real." You said in a low tone to make sure the boys didn't hear you.
"Yes I am." The boy voice said as if you were stupid.
"Did I know you? Before the maze?" You asked continuing to work. Concentrating on some tools, making them start to float and move closer to you.
"Wow, talk about rude." The voice said jokingly. The sudden notice made you loose control over the told you needed and they fell to the ground. Thomas looked over at you as they dropped to the ground. You focused in the tools again this time using you hands to control them instead of just your mind. You sighed as the tools reached you.

You worked for a while, until Thomas started his questioning again.
"Anyone ever tried climbing to the top?" Thomas asked as he turned his attention away from you.
"Tired it, the ivy doesn't go all the way to the top. Besides where are you gonna go from there?" Newt looked said not looking away from his work.
"Well what about the box, you know the next time it comes up we-.."
"No we tired that, the box won't go back down with anyone in it."
"Well what if we-" "No we tried it twice! Anything you can think of we've already tried." Newt cup Thomas off and stopped his work.
"The only way out is thought the maze, Alby and I have already confirmed it." You turned to the boys. Thomas leaned in the shovel he used, looking defeat. You sighed and stood up. Brushing of your knees.
"There's no hole in the walls, there's no secret exit. Nothing, we've looked over the place over a dozen of times." You looked over the walls.

"Now look, you wanna be helpful?" Newt asked him. Thomas nodded a littel at him. Newt shot you a look, you smiled and picked up a basket. Throwing it over to him, he was surprised but catched it. Stumbeling a bit.
"There. Go dig up some more fertilizer!" Newt told him while motioning for the deadheads. Thomas let out a clearly annoyed sigh and started to walk into the deadheads. You watched as Thomas almost tripped over his own feet. You smiled and shook your head.
"What do you think this far about him?" Zart asked you and Newt.
"He's curious and is pretty nice." You smiled and continued working. Zart then turned to Newt.
"He's well, diffrent" Newt pulled a face making you and Zart look at each other before starting to laugh. Newt rolled his eyes and continued working.

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