Chapter 23 "First time drunk"

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Climbing as fast as you could, all three of you started to get tired of the crank that followed close by. It was steep to climb up the stairwell of the inclined building, the crank was further up and more after Brenda than you and Thomas. But the crank then stopped as you catched up and climbed close to Brenda, it lifed it's arm in a swift motion and was able to get a swing at you.
"Leave me alone, stupid!" You yelled at it as it for a second time swung at you and it's long nail just happend to be albe to slash in your skin. Leaving a not deep, but a noticeable wound on your arm.
"(y/n)!" Thomas called for you as you winced at tye stinging feeling in your upper arm.
"I'm fine!" You continued climbing, the crank getting kicked down by Brenda. Watching as the crank fell down you grinned slightly, the other two doing the same.
"Okey, go, go!" Thomas ushered you and Brenda to go further up.
"Come on!" Brenda called as you followed. Sliding along the floor you all got higher and higher up. The building being inclined didn't help any of you as it made it more difficult to get up faster.

Brenda caught a pice of the railing that had once been, only for it to snap at her weight.
"Brenda!" You and Thomas called as she fell down on the closed door making it open and her sliding along the flooring, she scared as she slid down it and then got quiet as she hit the glass of the building. Tye force of her body made a small crack appear. Thomas told you to stay behind him as he looked down the door to see Brenda laying on the glass, you leaned over Thomas' body to see Brenda lying there.
"Brenda! You okey?" You yelled down to her. She groaned before answering.
"Alright! Hang on we're gonna find a way down!" Thomas told her, as she sat up her eyes widened at the sight below her. The fear of tge window breaking got bigger as she saw how far down it would be if she fell.
You and Thomas looked around, both of your brains working for a way to get down to Brenda without falling and breaking the window. At the sound of the glass cracking more made you and Thomas snap your eyes towards Brenda.
"No, Brenda, don't move. Don't move!" Thomaa yelled as she moved more. Thomas grabbed the door and slid himself down the wall towards Brenda as carefully as he could. You followed suit and hissed in pain as youbslid down the wall, both from the injury after being shot but also from being scratched by the crank.

Thomas held on thingt to a pice of debris that wouldn't budge at his weight. You placed yourself so you stood on a pice of debris. Brenda stood up slowly as Thomas held out a hand for her.
"Come on." Thomas told her, stretching put as much as he could, Brenda doing the same.
"I can't." She said to him.
"Brenda, grab Thomas' hand." You spoke, but just as you said that tye crank appeared again. It held tight to the doorframe before letting go.
"No, no!" Thomas yelled as the crank let go and fell down the flooring against the window, landing right on top of Brenda. She fought against it as well as she could without the window giving in on the added weight of tge crank. Multiple time she tried to reach for Thomas but failed everytime as the crank was in her hall the time.
You then got an idea.
"Thomas! Follow me!" You slid down the floor from the pice of debris you'd been standing on and landed as gently you could on the window right next to the one Brenda were on. Thomas followed your lead and grabbed something sharp.
"Brenda, take Thomas' hand!" You yelled to her, she kicked the crank one last time before walking throwing herself toward Thomas, grabbing his hand.
"Wait, wait." You said in a concentrated tone as the cranks closed in on Brenda.
"Hold on tight, Brenda. Now smash the window!" You quickly told Thomas and he did as you said.

The result was the window breaking, the crank 'unfortunately' falling though the window and falling down the building. Dying of the impact it got with the sharp debris. Thomas held onto Brenda as she hung out the window. She had a scared face and looked down at times.
"Don't worry. I got you." Thomas told Brenda in reassurance as he felt her tightening her grip to make sure she didn't fall.
"Mind helping?" Thomas let out a small chuckle and looked back at you, his face red from trying to overpower gravity.
"Right, of course!" You quickly went behind Thomas and around him, you took one of Brenda's hands in both of yours. Your face scrunching up at the pain that shot throughout your right arm, biting the inside of your cheek to keep from screaming.
"Thanks,.. god." Brenda breathed heavily as you got her up in the glass that were safe to stand on. You and Thomas put your hand on your knees, breathing out the breaths of air you'd lost pulling Brenda up.

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐡⇢ 𝘕𝘦𝘸𝘵Where stories live. Discover now